

The party passed on—Mrs.E's sattin gown swept along theclean floor of the Ball-room, to the fireplace at the upper end, where one party only were formally seated, while three or four Officers were lounging together, passing in and out from the adjoining card-room.—A very stiff meeting between these near neighbours ensued—and as soon as they were all duely placed again, Emma in the low whisper which became the solemn scene, said to Miss Edwardes, 'The gentleman we passed in the passage, was Mr.Musgrave, then?—He is reckoned remarkably agreable Iunderstand.'Miss E.answered hesitatingly—'Yes—he is very much liked by many people.—But we are not very intimate.'—'He is rich, is not he?'—'He has about 8 or 900ā a year I believe.—He came into possession of it, when he was very young, and my Father and Mother think it has given him rather an unsettled turn.—He is no favourite with them.'—The cold and empty appearance of the Room and the demure air of the small cluster of Females at one end of it began soon to give way; the inspiriting sound of other Carriages was heard, and continual accessions of portly Chaperons, and strings of smartly-dressed girls were received, with now and then a fresh gentleman straggler, who if not enough in Love to station himself near any fair Creature seemed glad to escape into the Card-room.—Among the increasing numbers of Military Men, one now made his way to Miss Edwards, with an air of Empressément, which decidedly said to her Companion 'I am Captain Hunter.'—and Emma, who could not but watch her at such a moment, saw her looking rather distressed, but by no means displeased, and heard an engagement formed for the two first dances, which made her think her Brother Sam's a hopeless case.

Emma in the meanwhile was not unobserved, or unadmired herself.—A new face and a very pretty one, could not be slighted— her name was whispered from one party to another, and no sooner had the signal been given, by the Orchestra's striking up a favourite air, which seemed to call the young Men to their duty, and people the centre of the room, than she found herself engaged to dance with a Brother officer, introduced by Captain Hunter.— Emma Watson was not more than of the middle height—well made and plump, with an air of healthy vigour.—Her skin wasvery brown, but clear, smooth and glowing; which with a lively Eye, a sweet smile, and an open Countenance, gave beauty to attract, and expression to make that beauty improve on acquaintance.—Having no reason to be dissatisfied with her partner, the Evening began very pleasantly to her; and her feelings perfectly coincided with the reiterated observation of others, that it was an excellent Ball.—The two first dances were not quite over, when the returning sound of Carriages after a long interruption, called general notice, and 'the Osbornes are coming, the Osbornes are coming'—was repeated round the room.—After some minutes of extraordinary bustle without, and watchful curiosity within, the important Party, preceded by the attentive Master of the Inn to open a door which was never shut, made their appearance.They consisted of Lady Osborne, her son Lord Osborne, her daughter Miss Osborne; Miss Carr, her daughter's friend, Mr.Howard formerly Tutor to Lord Osborne, now Clergyman of the Parish in which the Castle stood, Mrs.Blake, a widow-sister who lived with him, her son a fine boy of ten years old, and Mr.Tom Musgrave; who probably imprisoned within his own room, had been listening in bitter impatience to the sound of the Music, for the last half hour.In their progress up the room, they paused almost immediately behind Emma, to receive the Compliments of some acquaintance, and she heard Lady Osborne observe that they had made a point of coming early for the gratification of Mrs.Blake's little boy, who was uncommonly fond of dancing.—Emma looked at them all is they passed—but chiefly and with most interest on Tom Musgrave, who was certainly a genteel, good looking young man.—Of the females, Lady Osborne had by much the finest person;—tho'nearly fifty, she was veryhandsome, and had all the Dignity of Rank.

Lord Osborne was a very fine young man; but there was an air of Coldness, of Carelessness, even of Awkwardness about him, which seemed to speak him out of his Element in a Ball-room.He came in fact only because it was judged expedient for him to please the Borough—he was not fond of Women's company, and he never danced.—Mr.Howard was an agreable-looking Man, a little more than Thirty.

  • 辽方镇年表


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  • 重生男神总裁是女生


  • 爱玛


  • 鬼婚难缠


    十八岁那年,她把一只鬼给睡了,怀上鬼胎,以为如此便可救回在意的人。岂料师父说,光睡了这鬼不够,还得让鬼娶她,她只好拉开一场追夫大战。 她一手抚摸着肚子,一手扯着他的袖子,“鬼大叔,你娶我吧,不求你爱我,给个名分就行,你看咱都有下一代了。”他一脸嫌弃的甩开,咬牙切齿的瞪着她,“死丫头,你做梦吧,睡了我不够,还要我娶了你,你是不是嫌命太长了?”长得让人看了流口水的男鬼上车不买票怎么破?鬼孩子赖在她肚子里就是不肯出来是怎么回事?孩子他爸跟妖媚的女鬼们卿卿我又是要闹哪样?死鬼,咱走着瞧吧,她看上的鬼可是跑不掉的。
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