

You filled up the duplicate of this paper, and sent it back to the hospital by the hand of the nurse.How did you answer this question--'Was the nurse at any time guilty of a negligence which was likely to result in the patient's taking cold?' Come--everything is decided by a bet here in California: ten dollars to ten cents you lied when you answered that question." She said, "Ididn't; _I left it blank!_" "Just so--you have told a _silent_ lie; you have left it to be inferred that you had no fault to find in that matter." She said, "Oh, was that a lie? And _how_ could I mention her one single fault, and she is so good?--It would have been cruel." I said, "One ought always to lie, when one can do good by it; your impulse was right, but your judgment was crude;this comes of unintelligent practice.Now observe the results of this inexpert deflection of yours.You know Mr.Jones's Willie is lying very low with scarlet-fever; well, your recommendation was so enthusiastic that that girl is there nursing him, and the worn-out family have all been trustingly sound asleep for the last fourteen hours, leaving their darling with full confidence in those fatal hands, because you, like young George Washington, have a reputa--However, if you are not going to have anything to do, I will come around to-morrow and we'll attend the funeral together, for, of course, you'll naturally feel a peculiar interest in Willie's case--as personal a one, in fact, as the undertaker."But that was not all lost.Before I was half-way through she was in a carriage and making thirty miles an hour toward the Jones mansion to save what was left of Willie and tell all she knew about the deadly nurse.All of which was unnecessary, as Willie wasn't sick; I had been lying myself.But that same day, all the same, she sent a line to the hospital which filled up the neglected blank, and stated the _facts,_ too, in the squarest possible manner.

Now, you see, this lady's fault was _not_ in lying, but in lying injudiciously.She should have told the truth, _there,_ and made it up to the nurse with a fraudulent compliment further along in the paper.She could have said, "In one respect this sick-nurse is perfection--when she is on the watch, she never snores." Almost any little pleasant lie would have taken the sting out of that troublesome but necessary expression of the truth.

Lying is universal--we _all_ do it.Therefore, the wise thing is for us diligently to train ourselves to lie thoughtfully, judiciously; to lie with a good object, and not an evil one; to lie for others' advantage, and not our own; to lie healingly, charitably, humanely, not cruelly, hurtfully, maliciously; to lie gracefully and graciously, not awkwardly and clumsily;to lie firmly, frankly, squarely, with head erect, not haltingly, tortuously, with pusillanimous mien, as being ashamed of our high calling.Then shall we be rid of the rank and pestilent truth that is rotting the land; then shall we be great and good and beautiful, and worthy dwellers in a world where even benign Nature habitually lies, except when she promises execrable weather.

Then--But am I but a new and feeble student in this gracious art; I cannot instruct _this_ club.

Joking aside, I think there is much need of wise examination into what sorts of lies are best and wholesomest to be indulged, seeing we _must_ all lie and we _do_ all lie, and what sorts it may be best to avoid--and this is a thing which I feel I can confidently put into the hands of this experienced Club--a ripe body, who may be termed, in this regard, and without undue flattery, Old Masters.


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  • Beauty and The Beast

    Beauty and The Beast

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    The Provost

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  • 不懂忍耐就成不了大事


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  • 搞怪猫的等待


    本故事纯属虚构,谗言、愚昧、勾心斗角,精彩纷呈. 塞拉维亚大学在校应届毕业女生因无知的网恋被卷入海归留学模特L和设计天才大师狐狸的情感纠葛,在反复的挑拨离间与阴谋圈套里该如何智取认清真爱? 本书分为两卷 第一卷勾引的蛊惑向读者呈现小猫回忆的感情历程,为什么明明很努力的付出却得不到想要的关心呵护,来的迅速又不真实感情被周遭人批判得不到祝福,她愚蠢盲目独自伤心。真相神秘的面纱即将被揭开,真爱在现实面前脆如粉末。 第二卷成长的道路向读者揭露故事真相,20、25、29三个阶段人的思想碰撞在越演越烈的利益冲突和较力角逐中暴露出来。搞怪猫的等待,欢迎来访!
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