

"If I could afford to write only when I feel like it," he said, "how happy I should be! But these orders--they make me a driver of men, and not their historian."In fact, Harley was in that unfortunate, and at the same time happy, position where he had many orders for the product of his pen, and such financial necessities that he could not afford to decline one of them.

And it was this very situation which made his rebellious heroine of whom I have essayed to write so sore a trial to the struggling young author.

It was early in May, 1895, that Harley had received a note from Messrs. Herring, Beemer, & Chadwick, the publishers, asking for a story from his pen for their popular "Blue and Silver Series.""The success of your Tiffin-Talk," they wrote, "has been such that we are prepared to offer you our highest terms for a short story of 30,000 words, or thereabouts, to be published in our 'Blue and Silver Series.' We should like to have it a love-story, if possible; but whatever it is, it must be characteristic, and ready for publication in November. We shall need to have the manuscript by September 1st at the latest. If you can let us have the first few chapters in August, we can send them at once to Mr. Chromely, whom it is our intention to have illustrate the story, provided he can be got to do it."The letter closed with a few formalities of an unimportant and stereotyped nature, and Harley immediately called at the office of Messrs. Herring, Beemer, & Chadwick, where, after learning that their best terms were no more unsatisfactory than publishers' best terms generally are, he accepted the commission.

And then, returning to his apartment, he went into what Kelly called one of his trances.

"He goes into one of his trances," Kelly had said, "hoists himself up to his little elevation, and peeps into the private life of hoi polloi until he strikes something worth putting down and the result he calls literature.""Yes, and the people buy it, and read it, and call for more," said the Professor.

"Possibly because they love notoriety," said Kelly, "and they think if they call for more often enough, he will finally peep in at their key-holes and write them up. If he ever puts me into one of his books I'll waylay him at night and amputate his writing-hand.""He won't," said the Professor. "I asked him once why he didn't, and he said you'd never do in one of his books, because you don't belong to real life at all. He thinks you are some new experiment of an enterprising Providence, and he doesn't want to use you until he sees how you turn out.""He could put me down as I go," suggested the Doctor.

"That's so," replied the other. "I told him so, but he said he had no desire to write a lot of burlesque sketches containing no coherent idea.""Oh, he said that, did he?" observed the Doctor, with a smile.

"Well--wait till Stuart Harley comes to me for a prescription. I'll get even with him. I'll give him a pill, and he'll disappear--for ten days."Whether it was as Kelly said or not, that Harley went into a trance and poked his nose into the private life of the people he wrote about, it was a fact that while meditating upon the possible output of his pen our author was as deaf to his surroundings as though he had departed into another world, and it rarely happened that his mind emerged from that condition without bringing along with it something of value to him in his work.

So it was upon this May morning. For an hour or two Harley lay quiescent, apparently gazing out of his flat window over the uninspiring chimney-pots of the City of New York, at the equally uninspiring Long Island station on the far side of the East River.

It was well for him that his eye was able to see, and yet not see:

forgetfulness of those smoking chimney-pots, the red-zincked roofs, the flapping under-clothing of the poorer than he, hung out to dry on the tenement tops, was essential to the construction of such a story as Messrs. Herring, Beemer, & Chadwick had in mind; and Harley successfully forgot them, and, coming back to consciousness, brought with him the dramatis personae of his story--and, taken as a whole, they were an interesting lot. The hero was like most of those gentlemen who live their little lives in the novels of the day, only Harley had modified his accomplishments in certain directions.

Robert Osborne--such was his name--was not the sort of man to do impossible things for his heroine. He was not reckless. He was not a D'Artagnan lifted from the time of Louis the Fourteenth to the dull, prosaic days of President Faure. He was not even a Frenchman, but an essentially American American, who desires to know, before he does anything, why he does it, and what are his chances of success.

I am not sure that if he had happened to see her struggling in the ocean he would have jumped in to rescue the young woman to whom his hand was plighted--I do not speak of his heart, for I am not Harley, and I do not know whether or not Harley intended that Osborne should be afflicted with so inconvenient an organ--I am not sure, I say, that if he had seen his best-beloved struggling in the ocean Osborne would have jumped in to rescue her without first stopping to remove such of his garments as might impede his progress back to land again.

In short, he was not one of those impetuous heroes that we read about so often and see so seldom; but, taken altogether, he was sufficiently attractive to please the American girl who might be expected to read Harley's book; for that was one of the stipulations of Messrs. Herring, Beemer, & Chadwick when they made their verbal agreement with Harley.

  • 伤寒缵论


  • 飞龙全传


  • The Voice of the City

    The Voice of the City

  • 发菩提心经论


  • 从公续录


  • 狂暴少女的黑暗日记


  • 说好的末世呢


  • 狼性七绝


  • 社交与礼仪


  • 我的妹妹不坦诚


  • 充满谎言的昨天


  • 多面夫君


  • 男人吃什么才健康


    吃是人的本能,但吃什么,怎么吃,这里面却大有讲究。“吃是人类身体健康的第一道关”,人的健康不能只停留在“不得病”的低水平上,要有健康的体魄,还要会“吃”。要会“吃”,就不能由着性子来,以至于想吃就吃,这是万万不可的。  总之,在解决了“吃饱”的问题后,现在是应该解决怎样“吃好”的时候了。为此,我们综合了国内外的最新研究成果,并根据现代男性的身体和生存状况,编辑了本书。主要是通过饮食营养达到保健、养生、壮阳、滋补、调理、食疗的功效,本书具有很强的科学性、权威性、系统性和实用性,是指导现代男性健康饮食的良好读物。
  • 我的逆天技能


  • 不负荣光,不负你

