本书从考试的实战需要出发,从考生的具体情况出发,对考试过程中将要面临的各种实际问题都进行了坦诚的、直言不讳的、一针见血的分析,对广大考生调整考前心态具有耳目一新的启迪作用和益智效果。本书是一部不循常规的备考战略和战术的总汇,也是一部对考生进行短期强化训练使之成功考入高等艺术学院实际过程的深度纪录。本书提供的成功经验与应变智慧,对于广大考生在时间紧、压力大的条件下“临阵磨枪”,具有不可替代的实用价值。本书所阐述的独具一格的影视评论与影视故事的写作理念与技巧,对于高等艺术院校影视专业的在校学生以及专业影视工作者或业余影视爱好者,也富于参考价值。The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood returns with a shrewd, funny, and insightful retelling of the myth of Odysseus from the point of view of Penelope. Describing her own remarkable vision, the author writes in the foreword, I've chosen to give the telling of the story to Penelope and to the twelve hanged maids. The maids form a chanting and singing Chorus, which focuses on two questions that must pose themselves after any close reading of the Odyssey: What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to? The story as told in the Odyssey doesn't hold water: there are too many inconsistencies. I've always been haunted by the hanged maids and, in The Penelopiad, so is Penelope herself." One of the high points of literary fiction in 2005, this critically acclaimed story found a vast audience and is finally available in paperback.中国式饭局宴会细节全知道