人生一世,草木一秋,只要能活着就不能辜负自己,她从活死人堆里爬出来,从笑起来如沐春风的柳沐风,到陈墨的沉默,去勇敢的面对生活,爱我的人我会努力爱他一辈子,伤我的人一定要讨回来。出了活死人推面对新的生活,才发现没钱没能力多可悲,所以,她杀的第一个人堂堂一个知县只值二百两银子,只是她人生最便宜的一次人命买卖。重新迈进柳家,只想怀念从前,怀念母亲;在王权势力的大浪里颠簸,却能滴水不沾。凉茶棚里的人们在讨论着墨门的人不能随便惹,却不知这最大的头头这会就坐在他们身边喝茶,一副闲散人的样子。她不怕生死,不怕疼痛,只怕这生白活。能活着不容易,所以要努力活着,因为一生便是一生,没有什么下辈子。The Secret of Rover
The Secret of Rover follows the clever and resourceful twins Katie and David as they race across the country in their attempt to outwit an international team of insurgents who hold their parents and baby sister captive in a foreign land. Held hostage because they invented a spy technology called Rover that can locate anyone in the world, Katie and David's parents are in grave danger. Now, it's up to Katie and David to rescue them. But first they must find their reclusive uncle, whom they have never met—the only person they know who can help them. This page-turning story from a debut author with insider knowledge of Washington is fun, suspenseful, and convincingly real.优雅是女人最漂亮的外衣
一本书让女人完美蜕变,增强自信,由内而外释放最强魅力!新时代品位气质女神养成圣经,成熟女性必读的魅力修炼手册。优雅是得体而精致的外表,优雅是丰富而强大的内心;优雅是女人一生的金资本,优雅是女人最美丽的姿态。优雅是女人的专属权利,女人不仅要有追求优雅的梦想,更要有展示优雅的能力和智慧。懂得用精致的气质呈现自身魅力的女人才不辜负上天赐予的美。Bad Girl
Ricardo Somocurcio is in love with a bad girl. He loves her as a teenager known as 'Lily' in Lima in 1950, where she claims to be from Chile but vanishes the moment her claim is exposed as fiction. He loves her next in Paris as 'Comrade Arlette', an activist en route to Cuba, an icy, remote lover who denies knowing anything about the Lily of years gone by. Whoever the bad girl turns up as and however poorly she treats him, Ricardo is doomed to worship her. Gifted liar and irresistible, maddening muse-does Ricardo ever know who she really is?