1979年,她还只是“省尾国角”的一座边陲小镇;2007年,已崛起为国内继上海、北京、广州之后的第四座现代化城市。自1980年被批准设立经济特区,成为中国改革开放的“试验田”和“窗口”后,改革创新已成为她的灵魂。这就是深圳的故事。是什么力量激发出深圳经济快速增长的高速度?是什么魔力托起令全球瞩目的深圳“一夜城”?三十年来,一代人的命运与深圳的发展紧密相连,期间发生了哪些故事?本书以编年体的形式,讲述了深圳三十年间崛起的过程,忠实记录了深圳在经济、社会、制度、产业等方面的深刻变迁和上升。可歌可泣的创业故事加上鲜为人知的史料披露,让我们重回那个激荡的创业年代……Fly By Night
Everybody knew that books were dangerous. Read the wrong book, it was said, and the words crawled around your brain on black legs and drove you mad, wicked mad. Mosca Mye was born at a time sacred to Goodman Palpitattle, He Who Keeps Flies out of Jams and Butterchurns, which is why her father insisted on naming her after the housefly. He also insisted on teaching her to read—even in a world where books are dangerous, regulated things. Eight years later, Quillam Mye died, leaving behind an orphaned daughter with an inauspicious name and an all-consuming hunger for words. Trapped for years in the care of her cruel Uncle Westerly and Aunt Briony, Mosca leaps at the opportunity for escape, though it comes in the form of sneaky swindler Eponymous Clent. As she travels the land with Clent and her pet goose, Saracen, Mosca begins to discover complicated truths about the world she inhabits and the power of words.