本书细致地描述了菲律宾群岛之战中各个阶段的战役,同时对美国人与菲律宾人之间的感情、麦克阿瑟的“菲律宾情结”和战略也进行了生动的描述。到1944年下半年,麦克阿瑟将军终于有机会实现他“我将回来”的诺言,他全权负责指挥攻占菲律宾的军事行动。这个群岛的众多人民仍然保持着对美国的忠诚以及对麦克阿瑟将军的信任,这使得美军的进攻有了良好的群众基础。菲律宾群岛之战是太平洋岛屿登陆战中的代表,本书以大量图片和简明的文字细致地描述了各个阶段的战役,同时对美国人与菲律宾人之间的感情,麦克阿瑟的“菲律宾情结”和战略都有生动的描述。History of the Twentieth Century
The 20th century has been one of the most unique in human history. It has seen the rise of some of humanity's most important advances to date, as well as many of its most violent and terrifying wars. This is a condensed version of renowned historian Martin Gilbert's masterful examination of the century's history, offering the highlights of a three-volume work covering more than 3,000 pages.From the invention of aviation to the rise of the Internet, and from events and cataclysmic changes in Europe to those in Asia, Africa, and North America, Martin examines art, literature, war, religion, life and death, and celebration and renewal throughout the world, and throughout this turbulent and astonishing century.