本是将门嫡女,生母过世,父亲续弦,正牌嫡女落平阳。偏生又是个废材体质,不能修炼,懦弱无能,被退婚沉湖自尽,沦为世人笑柄。一朝穿越,顶级配药师成了此名废材小姐,面对的就是这样一个烂摊子。当二十一世纪的配药师是好欺负的?她会配药,就会制毒,另带杀人越货最佳帮手随身空间,谁敢惹她,就毒他个片甲不留,抢他个一贫如洗。当懦弱废材小姐化身腹黑毒女,怎惹得某只天才死缠滥打?你一皇子,何愁红颜难觅,何必缠着姐这个小废物?想娶我?先追吧,就怕你没这本事了。Cuckoo Song
Read this thought-provoking, critically acclaimed novel from Frances Hardinge, winner of the Costa Book of the Year and Costa Children's Book Awards for The Lie Tree. When Triss wakes up after an accident, she knows something is very wrong. She is insatiably hungry, her sister seems scared of her, and her parents whisper behind closed doors. She looks through her diary to try to remember, but the pages have been ripped out. Soon Triss discovers that what happened to her is more strange and terrible than she could ever have imagined, and that she is quite literally not herself. In a quest to find the truth she must travel into the terrifying underbelly of the city to meet a twisted architect who has dark designs on her family—before it's too late … Set in England after World War I, this is a brilliantly creepy but ultimately loving story of the relationship between two sisters who have to band together against a world where nothing is as it seems.我是电脑知识大王(青少年科学小百科)
科普读物从来不拒绝科学性、知识性、艺术性三者的完美统一,它强化生动性与现实感;不仅要让青少年朋友欣赏科学世界的无穷韵律,更要关注技术对现实生活的改变,以及人类所面对的问题和挑战。本书的出发点正是用科学的眼光追寻青少年心中对这个已知和未知世界的热情和关注,共同了解军事科技的相关知识,帮助他们认识自然界的客观规律,了解人类社会,插上科学的翅膀, 去探索科学的奥秘,勇攀科学的高峰。