Batman has Robin, Wonder Woman has Wonder Girl, and Phantom Justice has Bright Boy, a.k.a. Scott Hutchinson, an ordinary schoolkid by day and a superfast, superstrong sidekick by night, fighting loyally next to his hero. But after an embarrassing incident involving his too-tight spandex costume, plus some signs that Phantom Justice may not be the good guy he pretends to be, Scott begins to question his role. With the help of a fellow sidekick, once his nemesis, Scott must decide if growing up means being loyal or stepping boldly to the center of things. Great for boys, comics fans, and anyone looking for a superhero tale that's also an insightful look at adolescence.在劫难逃:豪门第一少夫人
本辑为“上海新锐作家文库”第三辑.共六种,是六位青年作家近年创作的中短篇小说精选本,包括:桃之1 1的《做作》、河西的《折子书》、小饭的《妈妈,你知道我偏为添乱而生》、张怡微的《时光,请等一等》、走走的《961213与961312》、苏德的《沿着我荒凉的额》。