传闻陌家大小姐乃是相貌丑陋,废材体质之人。某人嗤笑一声,废材?!那个分分钟完虐一群“熊孩子”的是谁!貌丑?!那个被传的神乎其技的第一美人是谁。哼!任凭外界风吹雨打,我自岿然不动!且看现代顶级杀手魂穿异界,会掀起怎样的血雨腥风。New Life
'I read a book one day, and my whole life was changed'. So begins "e;The New Life"e;, Orhan Pamuk's fabulous road novel about a young student who yearns for the life promised by a dangerously magical book. He falls in love, abandons his studies, turns his back on home and family, and embarks on restless bus trips through the provinces, in pursuit of an elusive vision. This is a wondrous odyssey, laying bare the rage of an arid heartland. In coffee houses with black-and-white TV sets, on buses where passengers ride watching B-movies on flickering screens, in wrecks along the highway, in paranoid fictions with spies as punctual as watches, the magic of Pamuk's creation comes alive.