[绝对爽文]她身怀异宝,却自幼惨遭毒打,饱受白眼,诡异般活了下来!不是她无能,是她暗藏玄机。于是她一朝崛起,锋芒乍现,睥睨诸强。骂她?割你舌头。打她?断你双手!害她?千万种方法慢慢整死你!他,欧阳陌,四国首富,身世成迷,明明长得一张妖孽面孔,却成天顶着一张大叔脸。一夜醒来,身旁竟躺着个俊美绝伦的妖孽男人。”呀还在骗她,当她三岁小孩。二、绑匪上门要一万两白银换她的命,他慷慨解囊,大气无比地说:“给你们十万两白银,陪她玩尽兴了,我再给你们十万两白银。但前提是别告诉她,我已经知道她跟你们串通好的。”三、“别跟着我,放心,只是会会朋友,我不会喝多!”她笑咪咪地说。他却突然拧眉,“就是怕你不醉!”她一时摸不着头脑,这丫什么意思。“我很好奇,你这次喝醉后,会如何对我?”The Cry of the Owl
In a small Pennsylvania town, Robert Forrester is recuperating from a nasty divorce and a bout of psychological trouble. One evening, while driving home, he sees a pretty young woman framed by her bright kitchen window. Soon, he can't keep himself away. But when Robert is inevitably discovered, obsession is turned on its head, and he finds himself unable to shake the young woman, nor entirely sure whether he should. From Patricia Highsmith, once called "the balladeer of stalking" by The New Yorker, The Cry of the Owl is a modern classic ready to be reborn.