亲爱的小伙伴:你听说过用鼻子行走的怪兽吗?你知道月亮的背面有外星人基地吗?你猜尼斯湖水怪到底是不是蛇颈龙?抹香鲸和大王乌贼到底谁更厉害?复活节岛上的石像是不是外星人做的?水熊虫为什么冻不死也煮不熟?吸血鬼真的存在吗?哈哈!我们生活的地球上有很多科学家都不知道答案的问题,你想不想听听这些稀奇古怪的事情?宝贝听听独家制作的“儿童探索百科故事”带你畅游神秘的世界!著名故事大师“夜爸爸”和未来小机器人共同播讲!There Must Be Showers
Interior designer Shelley Scott's turbulent marriage ended in divorce--and she's finally back on her feet. But when she lands a wealthy new client and realizes it's her ex-husband, handsome and elegant Nick Montpelier, she curses her bad luck.Soon she realizes Nick has hired her to decorate the beautiful mansion where they both once planned to live--for the new woman in Nick's life. Determined to do the job, earn the money, and never look back, Shelley never dreams she'll fall back into Nick's arms--and back in love.