

Piscator.Trust me, Sir, there is not a likely place for a Trout hereabout:

and we staid so long to take our leave of your huntsmen this morning, that the sun is got so high, and shines so clear, that I will not undertake the catching of a Trout till evening.And though a Chub be, by you and many others, reckoned the worst of fish, yet you shall see I'll make it a good fish by dressing it.

Venator.Why, how will you dress him ?

Piscator.I'll tell you by-and-by, when I have caught him.Look you here, Sir, do you see? but you must stand very close, there lie upon the top of the water, in this very hole, twenty Chubs.I'll catch only one and that shall be the biggest of them all: and that I will do so, I'll hold you twenty to one, and you shall see it done.

Venator.Ay, marry! Sir, now you talk like an artist, and I'll say you are one, when I shall see you perform what you say you can do: but I yet doubt it.

Piscator.You shall not doubt it long; for you shall see me do it presently.Look ! the biggest of these Chubs has had some bruise upon his tail, by a Pike or some other accident; and that looks like a white spot.That very Chub I mean to put into your hands presently; sit you but down in the shade, and stay but a little while; and I'll warrant you, I'll bring him to you.

Venator.I'll sit down; and hope well, because you seem to be so confident.

Piscator.Look you, Sir, there is a trial of my skill; there he is: that very Chub, that I showed you, with the white spot on his tail.And I'll be as certain to make him a good dish of meat as I was to catch him: I'll now lead you to an honest ale-house, where we shall find a cleanly room, lavender in the windows, and twenty ballads stuck about the wall.

There my hostess, which I may tell you is both cleanly, and handsome, and civil, hath dressed many a one for me; and shall now dress it after my fashion, and I warrant it good meat.

Venator.Come, Sir, with all my heart, for I begin to be hungry, and long to be at it, and indeed to rest myself too; for though I have walked but four miles this morning, yet I begin to be weary; yesterday's hunting hangs still upon me.

Piscator.Well, Sir, and you shall quickly be at rest, for yonder is the house I mean to bring you to.

Come, hostess, how do you ? Will you first give us a cup of your best drink, and then dress this Chub, as you dressed my last, when I and my friend were here about eight or ten days ago ? But you must do me one courtesy, it must be done instantly.

Hostess.I will do it, Mr.Piscator, and with all the speed I can.

Piscator.NOW, Sir, has not my hostess made haste? and does not the fish look lovely?

Venator.Both, upon my word, Sir; and therefore let's say grace and fall to eating of it.

Piscator.Well, Sir, how do you like it?

Venator.Trust me, 'tis as good meat as I ever tasted.Now let me thank you for it, drink to you and beg a courtesy of you; but it must not be denied me.

Piscator What is it, I pray, Sir? You are so modest, that methinks I may promise to grant it before it is asked.

Venator.Why, Sir, it is, that from henceforth you would allow me to call you Master, and that really I may be your scholar; for you are such a companion, and have so quickly caught and so excellently cooked this fish, as makes me ambitious to be your scholar.

Piscator.Give me your hand; from this time forward I will be your Master, and teach you as much of this art as I am able; and will, as you desire me, tell you somewhat of the nature of most of the fish that we are to angle for, and I am sure I both can and will tell you more than any common angler yet knows.

The third day-continued How to fish for, and to dress, the Chavender of Chub Piscator and Venator Piscator.The Chub, though he eat well, thus dressed, yet as he is usually dressed, he does not.He is objected against, not only for being full of small forked bones, dispersed through all his body, but that he eats waterish, and that the flesh of him is not firm, but short and tasteless.The French esteem him so mean, as to call him Un Villain;nevertheless he may be so dressed as to make him very good meat; as, namely, if he be a large Chub, then dress him thus:

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  • 古诗源


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  • 海上骑士:尼米兹


  • 小说月报·原创版(2016年第6期)


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