本书将带领你深入走进老公的内心世界,零距离接触老公的心底秘密,并简单而真切地看清老公的真实面目。通过阅读,你会发现,老公外表刚强,但内心脆弱;老公谎话连篇,但言出必行;老公朝三暮四,但尽职尽责……而老公的这些行为习惯无论是好是坏,是对是错,都是男人本质的体现。Once Upon a Crime (The Sisters Grimm #4)
Fans of fractured fairy tales will be delighted to discover the fantasy, mystery, adventure, and humor in the beloved New York Times bestselling Sisters Grimm series by Michael Buckley, now with new cover art. The nine wildly popular books are favorites around the world. They were among the first books to bring a distinctly girl-power spin to fairy tales—a trend followed by hit television series and movies such as Grimm and Maleficent; the bestselling book series the Land of Stories; and more. Now, books one through six in this smash-hit series appear with new covers, with books seven, eight, and nine available as revised editions soon.