她抢了姐姐的男人,害得姐姐出车祸成为了植物人。我怀孕了!”孟冉用一张妊娠单如愿以偿地嫁给了自己暗恋了十年之久的顾晋宇。之于顾晋宇来说,孟冉是个不折不扣的坏女人;他恨她入骨,却又不得不娶她。她和他的婚礼当天,姐姐出了车祸。“孟冉,这下你满意了?”抱着鲜血淋漓的姐姐,顾晋宇对孟冉歇斯底里地怒吼。Making It Happen
In all aspects of her life, author and motivational speaker Leigh Anne Tuohy advocates living a better life by cultivating a more generous spirit. By volunteering in your community, valuing other people, and reaching out to those in need, Tuohy believes that anyone can lead a happier and more fulfilled life—and this book is your guide to achieving it.In Making it Happen: Just Turn Around, Tuohy details concrete action steps you can take to becoming more involved and giving—in both your community and in your one-on-one interactions with others. Woven within are stories and lessons designed to help you change your mindset—to bring a happier and more generous life within your reach.