《名家散文典藏·劳者自歌:丰子恺散文》是二十世纪中国文学大师丰子恺的经典散文,有叙事的、有抒情的、有释理的。这些散文文笔手法细腻、结构顺当、条理清晰、内容丰富多彩、语言流畅优美。散文中渗透着作者丰富的社会生活和复杂的内心世界。这本散文集典型而精致、可读性强、细细品味、其乐无穷,作品风格雍容恬静,亲切率真,幽默风趣,构思精巧,非常适合青少年阅读。To the Ends of the Earth
This is a one-volume edition of this classic sequence of sea novels set in the early nineteenth century, about a voyage from England to Australia. Rites of Passage (Winner of the Booker Prize) "e;The work of a master at the full stretch of his age and wisdom."e; (The Times Close Quarters). "e;A feat of imaginative reconstruction, as vivid as a dream."e; (Daily Mail Fire Down Below). "e;Laden to the waterline with a rich cargo of practicalities and poetry, pain and hilarity, drama and exaltation."e; (Sunday Times).重生八零之女首富养成计划