The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
《静心的智慧》现代社会中,生活节奏不断加快,竞争压力日益增大,金钱、权力、欲望等诱惑不断考验着人类脆弱的灵魂怎么能够离开静心的智慧?在不断地求索与挣扎中,人们逐渐迷失了自己的本性,陷入人性的沼泽。人的心灵犹如一间仓库,需要时常打扫和维护,拂去心灵上的尘埃,让自己的身心处于一种宁静祥和的状态。掌握静心的智慧,便能摆脱所有的喧嚣与无奈,让自己活在一个无比清新的世界里。用睿智的眼光看待世界,以静心的智慧感受生活,给焦灼的人生寻找一片宁静的栖居地,找回迷失的自我,感悟生命的真意,享受生活的甘甜与快乐。The Golden Ass
Lucius Apuleius, a young man of good parentage, takes a trip to Thessaly. Along the way, amidst a series of bizarre adventures, he inadvertently offends a priestess of the White Goddess, who promptly turns him into an ass. How Lucius responds to his new misfortune, and ultimately finds a way to become human again, makes for a funny and fascinating tale.The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, referred to by St. Augustine as The Golden Ass, is the oldest novel written in Latin to survive in its entirety. Originally written by Lucius of Patrae, this translation by Robert Graves highlights the ribald humor and vivid sense of adventure present in the original. Providing a rare window in to the daily lives of regular people in ancient Greece, Robert Graves' translation of this classic tale is at once hilarious, informative, and captivating.人生只有一次,去做自己喜欢的事