一朝穿越,穿到穷的叮当响的农村,家里只有年迈的爷爷,五岁的弟弟和一间破到不能再破的茅草屋。又接收了一个比她还穷的土匪山寨,做了史上最穷的女寨主。不过,幸好她有无敌空间,不仅带领着家人和山寨脱了困,还练就了一身非凡法术,炼丹制药更是信手拈来。一不小心,就误惹了众美男心。温润如玉的年轻药师对着她道:“我只是太爱你了。”傲娇冷酷的千金公子对着她道:“我只知道,今生非你不可。”颠倒众生的妖孽王爷对着她道:“没有你,我活不了。”······The Homecoming
Years after the events of Spencer's Mountain, Clay Spencer—Clay-Boy's father—fails to return home on Christmas Eve. Leaving his worried family to keep watch at the homestead, Clay-Boy takes to the snowy Virginia hills in search of his father. Along the way, he meets an irate deer, a threatening county sheriff, a congregation of African-American churchgoers, and two elderly women who happen to be bootleggers. The story of Clay-Boy's search for his father is told with warmth and intensity.Along with its prequel, Spencer's Mountain, The Homecoming was the inspiration for the popular television show The Waltons, which starred Richard Thomas, Andrew Duggan, and Patricia Neal, and ran for nine years between 1972 and 1981. Over fifty years after its publication, this novel still has the power to move and inspire.一年级决定孩子的一生大全集(超值金版)