亲爱的小朋友们,去推开那扇古老的门,探寻一个美丽、未知的世界吧!本书力求遵循小学生的认知规律,注意小学生在生理、心理及学习方式方面的特点,考虑小学生的学习能力和认知水平,内容不仅注意丰富多彩、难易适度,还注意尽量贴近小学生的生活实际和思想实际,尽量联系小学生的经验世界和想像世界,以充分调动他们的好奇心和求知欲,调动他们自主学习的积极性,使他们在感兴趣、有新奇感和愉悦感的学习中,情感受到熏陶,思想受到启迪,知识得到拓展,眼界得到开阔,能力得到培养。The Terrible Two Go Wild
Everyone's favorite pranksters are at it again! School's out, and Miles and Niles are running wild in the woods outside town: climbing trees, exploring caves, and, yes, pranking. But these leafy, lazy days of mischief darken when bully Josh Barkin and his cadets from a nearby kids' boot camp discover the merrymakers—and vow to destroy them. Are our heroes' sharp minds any match for these hooligans' hard fists? The latest installment of the witty, on-target illustrated series is another "fast paced, laugh-out-loud novel" (School Library Journal) that proves once again that, in the hands of the powerless, pranks can be tools of justice—plus, they're funny.