男友劈腿,闺蜜背叛。一直到死,徐歆然才知道谁是真心待她。一场大火,烧毁了所有。浴火重生,回到十八岁。“说,你喜欢谁?”徐宇哲的俊脸在她眼前无限放大。“小叔!是小叔!我喜欢小叔!!!”她喜极而泣。感谢上苍给了她重来的机会,这一次,她绝不会错过。“一直以来,从今往后,我徐欣然喜欢的都只有小叔一个人!”“是那种海枯石烂的喜欢。”“小叔,徐宇哲,我爱你。生生世世!!”这个文,甜到掉牙了。巨宠、巨齁,不甜你咬我。--情节虚构,请勿模仿7 Steps to Midnight
Government mathematician Chris Barton lives a routine life—until, at the end of an ordinary workday, he finds his car missing from the employee parking lot. When he finally arrives home, there is a stranger living in his house—a man who claims to be him. Thrust suddenly into a surreal world where the evidence of his senses cannot be trusted and strangers are trying to kill him, Chris must avoid violent assassins while following a trail of cryptic clues to regain his life.技术与时间3:电影的时间与存在之痛的问题