意外受伤成为植物人的苏夏之被拉入到了一个系统任务中,并且被告之,只要完成一个个任务,完成原主的心愿她就能从植物人的身体里醒过来。苏夏之强烈表示:她可以!她能行!扶她起来,她还能活!不就是任务吗?有什么大不了的?做做做。于是苏夏之小心翼翼的过起了猜测原主死前心愿的忐忑日子,可是慢慢她却发现,无论出现在哪个世界,都会有一个堪称完美的男人默默守护?完成任务什么的简直不要太轻松。她表示:大佬?你是谁?走走走,别打扰我做任务。某只大佬:……苏夏之,无论哪一个世界,你总有一天会落在我手里。跑?跑去哪?Sitting in Bars with Cake
It's hard to meet people in a big city, let alone any city. And after living in LA for several years as a single lady, Audrey Shulman turned to baking. But rather than eating her cakes solo over the sink, she brought them to bars, luring guys with a heady dose of butter and wkkk.net in Bars with Cake recounts Audrey's year spent baking, bar-hopping, and offering slices of cake to men in the hope of finding her boyfriend (or, at the very least, a date). With 35 inventive recipes based on her interactions with guys from all walks of life, from a Sticky Maple Kiss Cake to a Bitter Chocolate Dump Cake, this charming book pairs each cake with a short essay and tongue-in-cheek lesson about picking up boys in bars.