When Hydee answers the ad placed by Marques Carlos de Alva Manrique, she expects to be taken on as a governess and nursemaid to his two children. But when the darkly handsome Marques makes a surprising alternative proposal--that she become his wife instead--Hydee could not be more shocked.She barely knows the man, but she finds herself undeniably drawn to him. Will she deny his proposal, or will his searing caresses draw her into a life she never could have imagined?解放军精神:企业员工军事化训练必备读本
“一切为打赢,一切看战果”——现代企业的竞争法则! “解放军精神”是“保证完成任务”的一声承诺,是对纪律的无条件服从,是跨越困境的拼搏精神,是时刻处于待命状态的危机意识,是抱团打天下的团队精神。解放军精神——最完美的现代职业精神典范,助推企业发,缔造卓越团队,练就职场“斗士”。教你打棒球·垒球(学生球类运动学习手册)