《史记》不但是一部历史巨著,而且是一部文学巨著,是史传文学的承前启后的丰碑,也是国民必须了解的经典之一。本书用选本的方式将《史记》精华部分呈献给大众,对于普及国学,宏扬中华文化有着深远的意义。本书对原著文选的导读阐释,实用而便览,包含有三种内容:提示,即在篇首介绍全文的主要内容及文学特色;段意,即对原文加以分段,逐段概述段意;注解,紧接段意,对该段的疑难字词进行注解,并对疑难句子进行疏通。读者循此体例,即可窥《史记》之壶奥。The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget
In The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, Josh Dorfman takes you inside the latest developments in green living to demonstrate how you can easily and affordably have your designer jeans and your planet too. From raising eco-conscious kids to greening your daily commute, Dorfman provides insights into the next wave of green innovation and the products and services that will lighten your planetary impact and lower your expenses. Find bargain basement deals on stylish organic bedding and bamboo furnishings at the largest retailers in the world. Score instant rebates on everything from compact fluorescent light bulbs to energy-efficient air conditioners. And earn reward points for carpooling with friends.?In a time when many people are feeling financially restricted, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget is your guide to effortlessly saving the planet while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.The Elements of Law Natural and Politic