Backteria and Other Improbable Tales
Available only in e-book format, Backteria and Other Improbable Tales is a brand new collection of short tales of terror and the unknown from master storyteller Richard Matheson. In the title story, published here for the first time, a researcher encounters an exotic new strain of virus that causes the infected person to disappear. Curiosity leads the doctor on a path of discovery which takes him deep into his own personal history and suggests the age-old warning: Be careful what you wish for.In "Getting Together", a case of mistaken identity leads to a darkly farcical story of marriage, murder, and a love that knows no bounds. The quietly threatening "Haircut" shows how a routine trim becomes a dark and terrifying experience when a barber is confronted with a sick customer who seems to him otherworldly.荀子进取人生(传世名家经典文丛)
【1v1+男强女强+魔幻大陆】她,生来身份尊贵,天赋高超,内心善良单纯,却因为某些事情而一改单纯。也因为生来的使命,不得不成为一名在血路中游走的女杀神,同时,也成为了皇家骑士团的女王子。 她曾站在敌军的尸身上说过:“有我在!我的子民,我的国家将由我来守护!”那一次,她以孤身一人踏败敌人3000…… 他曾是社会最底层的一类人,但也曾通过自己的努力成为了多数人不可超越的存在,身世的秘密一点,一点的解开,终于,他可以与她比肩了,他的膝盖有资格想她弯曲了! 他说:“让我们做一对战场鸳鸯可好?我愿陪你一起守护这里。” 同样的使命,不同的性格,因使命而相遇的他们会擦出什么样的火花?简介无能欢迎入坑