

Jean took two turns of the rope around the saddle horn and then looked him over critically.In spite of herself,she smiled a little at his face,streaked still with grease paint,and at his eyes staring at her from between heavily penciled lids.

"That's what you get for following,"she said,after a minute of staring at each other."Did you think I didn't know you were trailing along behind me?Isaw you before I turned the cattle loose,but I just let you think you were being real sly and cunning about it.You did it in real moving-picture style;did your fat Mr.Robert Grant Burns teach you how?What is the idea,anyway?Were you going to abduct me and lead me to the swarthy chief of your gang,or band,or whatever you call it?"Having scored a point against him and so put herself into a good humor again,Jean laughed at him and twitched the rope,just to remind him that he was at her mercy.To be haughtily indignant with this honest-eyed,embarrassed young fellow with the streaky face and heavily-penciled eyelids was out of the question.The wind caught his high,peaked-crowned sombrero and sent it sailing like a great,flapping bird to the ground,and he could not catch it because Jean had his arms pinioned with the loop.

She laughed again and rode over to where the hat had lodged.Gil Huntley,to save himself from being dragged ignominiously from the saddle,kicked his horse and kept pace with her.Jean leaned far over and picked up the hat,and examined it with amusement.

"If you could just live up to your hat,my,wouldn't you be a villain,though!"she commented,in a soft,drawling voice."You don't look so terribly blood-thirsty without it;I just guess I'd better keep it for a while.It would make a dandy waste-basket.Do you know,if your face were clean,I think you'd look almost human,--for an outlaw."She started on up the trail,nonchalantly leading her captive by the rope.Gil Huntley could have wriggled an arm loose and freed himself,but he did not.He wanted to see what she was going to do with him.He grinned when she had her back turned toward him,but he did not say anything for fear of spoiling the joke or offending her in some way.So presently Jean began to feel silly,and the joke lost its point and seemed inane and weak.

She turned back,threw off the loop that bound his arms to his sides,and coiled the rope."I wish you play-acting people would keep out of the country,"she said impatiently."Twice you've made me act ridiculous.I don't know what in the world you wanted to follow me for,--and I don't care.Whatever it was,it isn't going to do you one particle of good,so you needn't go on doing it."She looked at him full,refused to meet half-way the friendliness of his eyes,tossed the hat toward him,and wheeled her horse away."Good-by,"she said shortly,and touched Pard with the spurs.She was out of hearing before Gil Huntley could think of the right thing to say,and she increased the distance between them so rapidly that before he had quite recovered from his surprise at her sudden change of mood,she was so far away that he could not have overtaken her if he had tried.

He watched her out of sight and rode back to where Burns mouthed a big,black cigar,and paced up and down the level space where he had set the interrupted scene,and waited his coming.

"Rode away from you,did she?Where'd she take the cattle to?Left 'em in the next gulch?Well,why didn't you say so?You boys can bring 'em back,and we'll get to work again.Where'd you say that spring was,Gil?We'll eat before we do anything else.One thing about this blamed country is we don't have to be afraid of the light.Got to hand it to 'em for having plenty of good,clear sunlight,anyway?"He followed Gil to the feeble spring that seeped from under a huge boulder,and stooped uncomfortably to fill a tin cup.While he waited for the trickle to yield him a drink,he cocked his head sidewise and looked up quizzically at his "heavy.""You must have come within speaking distance,Gil,"he guessed shrewdly."Got any make-up along?

You look like a mild case of the measles,right now.

What did she have to say,anyhow?"

"Nothing,"said Gil shortly."I didn't talk to her at all.I didn't want to run my horse to death trying to say hello when she didn't want it that way.""Huh!"grunted Robert Grant Burns unbelievingly,and fished a bit of grass out of the cup with his little finger.He drank and said no more.

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  • 李提摩太在华回忆录


    李提摩太(Timothy Richard)是影响近代中国历史进程的重要人物,他不仅是一位有影响的宗教人士,也是中外达官贵人的座上宾、维新派的幕后师爷、孙中山革命党的反对派…… 本书详细记录了李提摩太在晚清45年期间,他在宗教、科学、通讯、国际贸易、赈灾、现代学校和专业学院的创设、现代出版社的建立等几乎所有领域参与了中国历史的进程。而他个人的经历,几乎就是一部中国近代史的缩影:传统与现代之间的激烈较量、华夏文明与西方文明的冲突与融合、政治经济侵略与思想和技术启蒙的对立统一等重大矛盾,无不生动地体现在他的这部回忆录里。
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