《20几岁学点口才学》内容简介:古人云:一人之辩,重于九鼎之宝;三寸之舌。强于百万之师,一言可以兴邦,片语可以辱国,自古以来,彰显口才魅力的大事件并不少见,而在当代,口才也成为一个人收获爱情、制胜职场、叱咤商场不可或缺的本领,口才能让你在万众之中脱颖而出,能让你在落寞之时博得挚友和知己,也能让你在每个竞争中大获全胜。Celebration & The Room
A restaurant. Two curved banquettes. It's a celebration. Violent, wildly funny, Harold Pinter's new play displays a vivid zest for wkkk.net The Room, Harold Pinter's first play, he reveals himself as already in full control of his unique ability to make dramatic poetry of the banalities of everyday speech and the precision with which it defines wkkk.net Pinter's latest play, Celebration, and his first play, The Room directed by the author himself, premired as a double-bill at London's Almeida Theatre in March 2000.