廖凡、白宇、谭卓主演网剧《沉默的真相》原著小说,预计2020年开播。嫌疑人杀人抛尸,却因意外在大庭广众之下被当场抓获。现场至少有几百个目击证人,嫌疑人对整个犯罪经过也供认不讳。人证、物证、口供,证据链齐全。就在检察机关对嫌疑人正式提起公诉之时,案情却陡然生变……这背后究竟隐藏着怎样惊天的罪行?为了查清真相,有一位检察官,历经十年光阴,付出了青春、事业、名声、前途、家庭等等无数代价,甚至,还包括生命。Breaking Bad 101
AMC's Breaking Bad is among the most beloved, critically acclaimed American television series of our time. Created by Vince Gilligan, the series charts the transformation of high school science teacher Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston) into a cold, calculating meth kingpin. Breaking Bad 101 collects esteemed critic Alan Sepinwall's (Uproxx) popular Breaking Bad recaps in book form, featuring new, exclusive essays and completely revised and updated commentary—as well as insights from and interviews with the creative masterminds behind Breaking Bad. The ultimate critical companion for one of the greatest television dramas of all time, Breaking Bad 101 offers fans Sepinwall's smart, funny, and incisive analysis of the psychology and filmmaking craft behind each episode and celebrates the series' unique place in pop-culture history. ?