我们总认为在生活和生存手段之间存在着一些矛盾,却因为这种想法失去了许多生活的乐趣。我们浪费了那么多的时间和精力,以至于没有时间和精力去享受生活。电力和机器,金钱和商品,只有作为使生活更加自由的手段时,才是对我们有益的。它们只是达到目的的手段而已。Worlds of Ink and Shadow
Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Bront? siblings find escape from their constrained lives via their rich imaginations. The glittering world of Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy world of Gondal literally come to life under their pens, offering the sort of romance and intrigue missing from their isolated parsonage home. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as the characters they have created—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go. Gorgeously written and based on the Bront?s'juvenilia, Worlds of Ink and Shadow brings to life one of history's most celebrated literary families in a thrilling, suspenseful fantasy.绝世舞娘:与君共白头
他与她初识时,他们只懂得在泥地里打架。所有的缘份只因一只珠钗而起。他与她相爱时,她早成为他的至亲。他们相思成瘾,相思成疯;他与她相守时,他们学会了相依为命。在经历了种种人世沧桑变迁,她早已成为他的心灵归属,即使她已不在人世。。。。。。Death in a Strange Country
Early one morning Commissario Guido Brunetti of the Venice Police confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of a fetid canal. All the clues point to a violent mugging, but for Brunetti the motive of robbery seems altogether too convenient. When something is discovered in the victim's apartment that suggests the existence of a high-level conspiracy, Brunetti becomes convinced that somebody, somewhere, is taking great pains to provide a ready-made solution to the wkkk.net with atmosphere and marvelous plotting, Death in a Strange Country is a superb novel in Donna Leon's chilling Venetian mystery series.