新文-《王爷他翻墙来护短》已连载。庶妹未婚夫闺房苟且将她打死在床榻前。一朝重生寒芒刺骨,修罗附体。外界传言,侯府嫡女楚凌凌丑陋无比蛇蝎心肠,冠以妒妇之名。晋南王手握重兵,一人之下却愿十里红妆迎娶她一人。为救她,晋南王调动四十万兵马兵临城下,血染城池;也为救她,他天之骄子却甘愿三拜九叩跪以杀母仇人。敌军压境她一身红妆为夫征战,面对敌军围剿她嫣然一笑染红了眸:“你护我一世周全,我助你百年昌盛。”Understand Rap
Rap songs are famous for their double entendres, clever turns of phrase, and general ingenuity, but that doesn't mean things always make sense the first time around. Enter Understand Rap, a very funny pop-cultural reference book based on the website of the same name, which precisely explains the confusing lyrics and terms used in rap songs using language that even the most un-hip person can understand. The juxtaposition of a dry, academic tone with hip-hop terminology results in a book that's as entertaining as it is informative.看经济穿越剧(吴晓波细说商业史05)