当多年所痴迷的男人,出现在她的面前,为诱捕其心,她开始步步为营……“你是花痴吗?”被她笑眯眯的眼神注视得不自然,他开口讽刺。当她身份揭开之时,他面对公司的危机,不得不对她改变态度。“你是想我帮你?”她狡猾一笑。“要是你能帮我当然是最好不过的。”听到他的回答,她心里乐翻了天。“那你要答应我一件事。”等待猎物上钩。“我答应。”“成交。”她婉转一笑.。一个月期限,她以商业女之才助他公司度过危机,开始收网!“你要我做什么?”面对她的才能,他不得不服。“恩.....做我男朋友一个月。”她大胆拉着他的手臂笑着说道,这场诱捕才刚刚开始。The Painted Bird
Originally published in 1965, The Painted Bird established Jerzy Kosinski as a major literary figure. Kosinski's story follows a dark-haired, olive-skinned boy, abandoned by his parents during World War II, as he wanders alone from one village to another, sometimes hounded and tortured, only rarely sheltered and cared for. Through the juxtaposition of adolescence and the most brutal of adult experiences, Kosinski sums up a Bosch-like world of harrowing excess where senseless violence and untempered hatred are the norm. Through sparse prose and vivid imagery, Kosinski's novel is a story of mythic proportion, even more relevant to today's society than it was upon its original publication.