宝贝开新文了,《错点王妃》:呼呼,亲们都去支持哦!她是36军团有史以来最年轻的特种兵少将,胞弟之死,致使她性格大变,不惜一切地端了罪魁祸首的老窝。大仇得报的同时,也赔上了自己的性命。再世为人的她,成为了寄宿在木家的遗孤。三岁,她被扔进了死人堆中,只为选出最好的傀儡;七岁,她娇嫩白皙的左脸眼角被残忍地刻上了一朵血莲花,只因为她长得与舅舅的女儿七分相似,却偏偏比她美了十二分;十岁,她成为了木家最优秀的傀儡;十六岁,表姐逃婚,她被迫代嫁,成为洛王妃。苍焱夙,苍狼国中掌握最大权势的洛王。七岁,他在木家的暗室中看到了一双如狼般孤傲和冷漠的眼睛,从此这双眼睛进驻了他的心里,无法自拔。他在见到她的一瞬间就认出她来,没有新娘被代替的愤怒,那天,他告诉她:一生一世一双人。这辈子,他只认定她一人。而然世事总是反复无常,当他为了手中的权势而要娶另外一位女子的时候,她到底该何去何从?当她冰冷的尸体呈现在他面前的时候,他也终于是陷入到无边的疯狂和绝望之中……一直到,四年后,一个与他酷似的小家伙出现在他的面前……汗颜啊汗颜,宝贝不怎么擅长写简介,亲们将就着看一下吧,文文保证比简介要精彩上许多。新文需要支持,亲们拿出你们手中的票票,狠狠地把宝贝砸趴下吧,╭(╯3╰)╮推荐自己的文文:《极品特工王妃》:《皇后要劈腿》:《血色妖瞳》:《相公欠调教》:《敛财王爷贪财妃》:强烈推荐瑾瑜的新文《从了吧师太》:一个尼姑与和尚与道士发生三角恋的五雷轰顶风中凌乱的狗血故事!强烈推荐宝贝和张小鹿的系列文——《至尊弃妃》:推荐好友的文文:目紫瞳的《惑世血莲》:月七儿的《夜色撩人》:银月皎皎的《窃妾欢》:轩辕翔的《心轨》:风之孤鸿的《兽王贤妻》:太后的《悍女当道》:A Kiss and a Promise
Once, Judith Sommerville and Alexis Vasilis were engaged. But that was a long time ago, and when Judith takes the position of caretaker to Alexis' young nephew, she believes their past will not interfere with her job. But Alexis has different plans. Even though their relationship has been over for years, he still wants Judith--and his kisses fill her with raging desire. But marriage is no longer on the table--or is it?Klickitat
Vivian feels left behind when her older sister, Audra, runs away from home. She believes that Audra will return and pays careful attention to the clues around her. Then, inexplicably, writing begins to appear in a blank notebook. When Audra does come back for Vivian, she's in the company of a strange man. The three of them run away together and practice wilderness survival. While Audra plans for the future, Vivian continues to gather evidence: Who is this mysterious man, and does he have any connection to the words appearing in her notebook? Klickitat is a haunting story, full of atmosphere and awakening, crafted by one of today's most startling literary talents. "The dreamy narration is evocative of The Virgin Suicides…it might be a readalike for E. Lockhart's We Were Liars…"--VOYA