

For she was sought by spirits of richest coat,

But kept cold distance,and did thence remove

To spend her living in eternal love.

'"But,O my sweet,what labour is't to leave

The thing we have not,mast'ring what not strives,

Playing the place which did no form receive,

Playing patient sports in unconstrained gyves!

She that her fame so to herself contrives,

The scars of battle scapeth by the flight,

And makes her absence valiant,not her might.

'"O pardon me in that my boast is true!

The accident which brought me to her eye

Upon the moment did her force subdue,

And now she would the caged cloister fly.

Religious love put out religion's eye.

Not to be tempted,would she be immured,

And now to tempt all liberty procured.

'"How mighty then you are,O hear me tell!

The broken bosoms that to me belong

Have emptied all their fountains in my well,

And mine I pour your ocean all among.

I strong o'er them,and you o'er me being strong,

Must for your victory us all congest,

As compound love to physic your cold breast.

'"My parts had pow'r to charm a sacred nun,

Who,disciplined,ay,dieted in grace,

Believed her eyes when they t'assail begun,

All vows and consecrations giving place,

O most potential love,vow,bond,nor space,

In thee hath neither sting,knot,nor confine,

For thou art all,and all things else are thine.

'"When thou impressest,what are precepts worth

Of stale example?When thou wilt inflame,

How coldly those impediments stand forth,

Of wealth,of filial fear,law,kindred,fame!

Love's arms are peace,'gainst rule,'gainst sense,'gainst shame.

And sweetens,in the suff'ring pangs it bears,

The aloes of all forces,shocks and fears.

'"Now all these hearts that do on mine depend,

Feeling it break,with bleeding groans they pine,

And supplicant their sighs to your extend,

To leave the batt'ry that you make 'gainst mine,

Lending soft audience to my sweet design,

And credent soul to that strong-bonded oath,

That shall prefer and undertake my troth."

'This said,his wat'ry eyes he did dismount,

Whose sights till then were levelled on my face;

Each cheek a river running from a fount

With brinish current downward flowed apace.

O,how the channel to the stream gave grace!

Who glazed with crystal gate the glowing roses

That flame through water which their hue encloses.

'O father,what a hell of witchcraft lies

In the small orb of one particular tear!

But with the inundation of the eyes

What rocky heart to water will not wear?

What breast so cold that is not warmed here?

O cleft effect!cold modesty,hot wrath,

Both fire from hence and chill extincture hath.

'For lo,his passion,but an art of craft,

Even there resolved my reason into tears;

There my white stole of chastity I daffed,

Shook off my sober guards and civil fears;

Appear to him as he to me appears,

All melting;though our drops this diff'rence bore:

His poisoned me,and mine did him restore.

'In him a plenitude of subtle matter,

Applied to cautels,all strange forms receives,

Of burning blushes or of weeping water,

Or swooning paleness;and he takes and leaves,

In either's aptness,as it best deceives,

To blush at speeches rank,to weep at woes,

Or to turn white and swoon at tragic shows;

'That not a heart which in his level came

Could scape the hail of his all-hurting aim,

Showing fair nature is both kind and tame;

And,veiled in them,did win whom he would maim.

Against the thing he sought he would exclaim;

When he most burned in heart-wished luxury,

He preached pure maid and praised cold chastity.

'Thus merely with the garment of a Grace

The naked and concealed fiend he covered,

That th'unexperient gave the tempter place,

Which,like a cherubin,above them hovered.

Who,young and simple,would not be so lovered?

Ay me,I fell,and yet do question make

What I should do again for such a sake.

'O,that infected moisture of his eye,

O,that false fire which in his cheek so glowed,

O,that forced thunder from his heart did fly,

O,that sad breath his spongy lungs bestowed,

O,all that borrowed motion,seeming owed,

Would yet again betray the fore-betrayed,

And new pervert a reconciled maid.'


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    你说千古一帝,一世娇宠。 于是,我褪去红妆,战甲裹身。 我替你争,为你谋划,可,我从来都不知道,原来一切都是我一厢情愿。 一腔心血,终究付之东流。长生殿上,毒酒穿喉,灰飞烟灭。 我笑我傻我天真,踏万骨,渡黄泉,齐算前世今生仇。“阿璇,若有来生,你能不要拒绝我吗?”男人浑身都是鲜血,靠在女人怀里,伸手触摸着女人的脸颊。“好。”女人颤抖着手从怀中掏出一块石头,执起男人的手,两人一同向石头注入一滴精血。“阿渊,所以,不要离开我好不好。”石头散发出红光,两人的名字一同显现在上。男人眼中划过留恋,然后手无力垂下。“阿渊,阿渊。”某日,某男把某女堵在墙角。“听说,你跟那个谁定下三生情缘?”某女眼神闪躲,“那不是都没成吗?”“呵,我辛辛苦苦把你救回来,你还要让我看你们你侬我侬的画面。”“我保证,以后,我不会再多看他一眼,也不跟他说话。”某女举手发誓,满眼都是认真。“阿璇。”正在这时,门外传来某个话题中人的声音。 【此书首发起点,作者的文笔很幼稚,逻辑混乱,但是若是有缘看到这本书的人,可以给个收藏,给张票票不?让我知道有人在看书就好了。】
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