
第7章 ACT I(7)

(RANK,HELMER,and Mrs.LINDE go downstairs.The NURSE comes forward with the children;NORA shuts the hall door.)Nora.How fresh and well you look!Such red cheeks like apples and roses.(The children all talk at once while she speaks to them.)Have you had great fun?That's splendid!What,you pulled both Emmy and Bob along on the sledge?--both at once?--that was good.You are a clever boy,Ivar.Let me take her for a little,Anne.My sweet little baby doll!(Takes the baby from the MAIDand dances it up and down.)Yes,yes,mother will dance with Bob too.What!Have you been snowballing?I wish I had been there too!No,no,I will take their things off,Anne;please let me do it,it is such fun.Go in now,you look half frozen.There is some hot coffee for you on the stove.

(The NURSE goes into the room on the left.NORA takes off the children's things and throws them about,while they all talk to her at once.)Nora.Really!Did a big dog run after you?But it didn't bite you?No,dogs don't bite nice little dolly children.You mustn't look at the parcels,Ivar.What are they?Ah,I daresay you would like to know.No,no--it's something nasty!Come,let us have a game!What shall we play at?Hide and Seek?Yes,we'll play Hide and Seek.Bob shall hide first.Must I hide?Very well,I'll hide first.(She and the children laugh and shout,and romp in and out of the room;at last NORA hides under the table,the children rush in and out for her,but do not see her;they hear her smothered laughter,run to the table,lift up the cloth and find her.Shouts of laughter.She crawls forward and pretends to frighten them.Fresh laughter.Meanwhile there has been a knock at the hall door,but none of them has noticed it.The door is half opened,and KROGSTAD appears,lie waits a little;the game goes on.)Krogstad.Excuse me,Mrs.Helmer.

Nora (with a stifled cry,turns round and gets up on to her knees).Ah!what do you want?

Krogstad.Excuse me,the outer door was ajar;I suppose someone forgot to shut it.

Nora (rising).My husband is out,Mr.Krogstad.

Krogstad.I know that.

Nora.What do you want here,then?

Krogstad.A word with you.

Nora.With me?--(To the children,gently.)Go in to nurse.What?

No,the strange man won't do mother any harm.When he has gone we will have another game.(She takes the children into the room on the left,and shuts the door after them.)You want to speak to me?

Krogstad.Yes,I do.

Nora.Today?It is not the first of the month yet.

Krogstad.No,it is Christmas Eve,and it will depend on yourself what sort of a Christmas you will spend.

Nora.What do you mean?Today it is absolutely impossible for me--Krogstad.We won't talk about that until later on.This is something different.I presume you can give me a moment?

Nora.Yes--yes,I can--although--

Krogstad.Good.I was in Olsen's Restaurant and saw your husband going down the street--Nora.Yes?

Krogstad.With a lady.

Nora.What then?

Krogstad.May I make so bold as to ask if it was a Mrs.Linde?

Nora.It was.

Krogstad.Just arrived in town?


Krogstad.She is a great friend of yours,isn't she?

Nora.She is.But I don't see--

Krogstad.I knew her too,once upon a time.

Nora.I am aware of that.

Krogstad.Are you?So you know all about it;I thought as much.

Then I can ask you,without beating about the bush--is Mrs.Linde to have an appointment in the Bank?

Nora.What right have you to question me,Mr.Krogstad?--You,one of my husband's subordinates!But since you ask,you shall know.

Yes,Mrs.Linde is to have an appointment.And it was I who pleaded her cause,Mr.Krogstad,let me tell you that.

Krogstad.I was right in what I thought,then.

Nora (walking up and down the stage).Sometimes one has a tiny little bit of influence,I should hope.Because one is a woman,it does not necessarily follow that--.When anyone is in a subordinate position,Mr.Krogstad,they should really be careful to avoid offending anyone who--who--Krogstad.Who has influence?


Krogstad (changing his tone).Mrs.Helmer,you will be so good as to use your influence on my behalf.

Nora.What?What do you mean?

Krogstad.You will be so kind as to see that I am allowed to keep my subordinate position in the Bank.

Nora.What do you mean by that?Who proposes to take your post away from you?

Krogstad.Oh,there is no necessity to keep up the pretence of ignorance.I can quite understand that your friend is not very anxious to expose herself to the chance of rubbing shoulders with me;and I quite understand,too,whom I have to thank for being turned off.

Nora.But I assure you--

Krogstad.Very likely;but,to come to the point,the time has come when I should advise you to use your influence to prevent that.

Nora.But,Mr.Krogstad,I have no influence.

Krogstad.Haven't you?I thought you said yourself just now--Nora.Naturally I did not mean you to put that construction on it.I!What should make you think I have any influence of that kind with my husband?

Krogstad.Oh,I have known your husband from our student days.Idon't suppose he is any more unassailable than other husbands.

Nora.If you speak slightingly of my husband,I shall turn you out of the house.

Krogstad.You are bold,Mrs.Helmer.

Nora.I am not afraid of you any longer.As soon as the New Year comes,I shall in a very short time be free of the whole thing.

Krogstad (controlling himself).Listen to me,Mrs.Helmer.If necessary)I am prepared to fight for my small post in the Bank as if I were fighting for my life.

Nora.So it seems.

Krogstad.It is not only for the sake of the money;indeed,that weighs least with me in the matter.There is another reason--well,I may as well tell you.My position is this.I daresay you know,like everybody else,that once,many years ago,I was guilty of an indiscretion.

Nora.I think I have heard something of the kind.

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