

Jack passed into the City from Southwark,over the bridge,and entered it in triumph,giving the strictest orders to his men not to plunder.Having made a show of his forces there,while the citizens looked on quietly,he went back into Southwark in good order,and passed the night.Next day,he came back again,having got hold in the meantime of Lord Say,an unpopular nobleman.Says Jack to the Lord Mayor and judges:'Will you be so good as to make a tribunal in Guildhall,and try me this nobleman?'The court being hastily made,he was found guilty,and Jack and his men cut his head off on Cornhill.They also cut off the head of his son-in-law,and then went back in good order to Southwark again.

But,although the citizens could bear the beheading of an unpopular lord,they could not bear to have their houses pillaged.And it did so happen that Jack,after dinner-perhaps he had drunk a little too much-began to plunder the house where he lodged;upon which,of course,his men began to imitate him.Wherefore,the Londoners took counsel with Lord Scales,who had a thousand soldiers in the Tower;and defended London Bridge,and kept Jack and his people out.This advantage gained,it was resolved by divers great men to divide Jack's army in the old way,by making a great many promises on behalf of the state,that were never intended to be performed.This DID divide them;some of Jack's men saying that they ought to take the conditions which were offered,and others saying that they ought not,for they were only a snare;some going home at once;others staying where they were;and all doubting and quarrelling among themselves.

Jack,who was in two minds about fighting or accepting a pardon,and who indeed did both,saw at last that there was nothing to expect from his men,and that it was very likely some of them would deliver him up and get a reward of a thousand marks,which was offered for his apprehension.So,after they had travelled and quarrelled all the way from Southwark to Blackheath,and from Blackheath to Rochester,he mounted a good horse and galloped away into Sussex.But,there galloped after him,on a better horse,one Alexander Iden,who came up with him,had a hard fight with him,and killed him.Jack's head was set aloft on London Bridge,with the face looking towards Blackheath,where he had raised his flag;and Alexander Iden got the thousand marks.

It is supposed by some,that the Duke of York,who had been removed from a high post abroad through the Queen's influence,and sent out of the way,to govern Ireland,was at the bottom of this rising of Jack and his men,because he wanted to trouble the government.He claimed (though not yet publicly)to have a better right to the throne than Henry of Lancaster,as one of the family of the Earl of March,whom Henry the Fourth had set aside.Touching this claim,which,being through female relationship,was not according to the usual descent,it is enough to say that Henry the Fourth was the free choice of the people and the Parliament,and that his family had now reigned undisputed for sixty years.The memory of Henry the Fifth was so famous,and the English people loved it so much,that the Duke of York's claim would,perhaps,never have been thought of (it would have been so hopeless)but for the unfortunate circumstance of the present King's being by this time quite an idiot,and the country very ill governed.These two circumstances gave the Duke of York a power he could not otherwise have had.

Whether the Duke knew anything of Jack Cade,or not,he came over from Ireland while Jack's head was on London Bridge;being secretly advised that the Queen was setting up his enemy,the Duke of Somerset,against him.He went to Westminster,at the head of four thousand men,and on his knees before the King,represented to him the bad state of the country,and petitioned him to summon a Parliament to consider it.This the King promised.When the Parliament was summoned,the Duke of York accused the Duke of Somerset,and the Duke of Somerset accused the Duke of York;and,both in and out of Parliament,the followers of each party were full of violence and hatred towards the other.At length the Duke of York put himself at the head of a large force of his tenants,and,in arms,demanded the reformation of the Government.Being shut out of London,he encamped at Dartford,and the royal army encamped at Blackheath.According as either side triumphed,the Duke of York was arrested,or the Duke of Somerset was arrested.

The trouble ended,for the moment,in the Duke of York renewing his oath of allegiance,and going in peace to one of his own castles.

Half a year afterwards the Queen gave birth to a son,who was very ill received by the people,and not believed to be the son of the King.It shows the Duke of York to have been a moderate man,unwilling to involve England in new troubles,that he did not take advantage of the general discontent at this time,but really acted for the public good.He was made a member of the cabinet,and the King being now so much worse that he could not be carried about and shown to the people with any decency,the duke was made Lord Protector of the kingdom,until the King should recover,or the Prince should come of age.At the same time the Duke of Somerset was committed to the Tower.So,now the Duke of Somerset was down,and the Duke of York was up.By the end of the year,however,the King recovered his memory and some spark of sense;upon which the Queen used her power-which recovered with him-to get the Protector disgraced,and her favourite released.So now the Duke of York was down,and the Duke of Somerset was up.

These ducal ups and downs gradually separated the whole nation into the two parties of York and Lancaster,and led to those terrible civil wars long known as the Wars of the Red and White Roses,because the red rose was the badge of the House of Lancaster,and the white rose was the badge of the House of York.

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