
第103章 BOOK VIII(7)

THUS was Sir Tramtrist long there well cherished with the king and the queen,and namely with La Beale Isoud.So upon a day the queen and La Beale Isoud made a bain for Sir Tramtrist.And when he was in his bain the queen and Isoud,her daughter,roamed up and down in the chamber;and therewhiles Gouvernail and Hebes attended upon Tramtrist,and the queen beheld his sword thereas it lay upon his bed.And then by unhap the queen drew out his sword and beheld it a long while,and both they thought it a passing fair sword;but within a foot and an half of the point there was a great piece thereof out-broken of the edge.And when the queen espied that gap in the sword,she remembered her of a piece of a sword that was found in the brain-pan of Sir Marhaus,the good knight that was her brother.Alas then,said she unto her daughter,La Beale Isoud,this is the same traitor knight that slew my brother,thine eme.When Isoud heard her say so she was passing sore abashed,for passing well she loved Tramtrist,and full well she knew the cruelness of her mother the queen.

Anon therewithal the queen went unto her own chamber,and sought her coffer,and there she took out the piece or the sword that was pulled out of Sir Marhaus'head after that he was dead.And then she ran with that piece of iron to the sword that lay upon the bed.And when she put that piece of steel and iron unto the sword,it was as meet as it might be when it was new broken.

And then the queen gripped that sword in her hand fiercely,and with all her might she ran straight upon Tramtrist where he sat in his bain,and there she had rived him through had not Sir Hebes gotten her in his arms,and pulled the sword from her,and else she had thrust him through.

Then when she was let of her evil will she ran to the King Anguish,her husband,and said on her knees:O my lord,here have ye in your house that traitor knight that slew my brother and your servant,that noble knight,Sir Marhaus.Who is that,said King Anguish,and where is he?Sir,she said,it is Sir Tramtrist,the same knight that my daughter healed.Alas,said the king,therefore am I right heavy,for he is a full noble knight as ever I saw in field.But I charge you,said the king to the queen,that ye have not ado with that knight,but let me deal with him.

Then the king went into the chamber unto Sir Tramtrist,and then was he gone unto his chamber,and the king found him all ready armed to mount upon his horse.When the king saw him all ready armed to go unto horseback,the king said:Nay,Tramtrist,it will not avail to compare thee against me;but thus much I shall do for my worship and for thy love;in so much as thou art within my court it were no worship for me to slay thee:therefore upon this condition I will give thee leave for to depart from this court in safety,so thou wilt tell me who was thy father,and what is thy name,and if thou slew Sir Marhaus,my brother.


How Sir Tristram departed from the king and La Beale Isoud out of Ireland for to come into Cornwall.

SIR,said Tristram,now I shall tell you all the truth:my father's name is Sir Meliodas,King of Liones,and my mother hight Elizabeth,that was sister unto King Mark of Cornwall;and my mother died of me in the forest,and because thereof she commanded,or she died,that when I were christened they should christen me Tristram;and because I would not be known in this country I turned my name and let me call Tramtrist;and for the truage of Cornwall I fought for my eme's sake,and for the right of Cornwall that ye had posseded many years.And wit ye well,said Tristram unto the king,I did the battle for the love of mine uncle,King Mark,and for the love of the country of Cornwall,and for to increase mine honour;for that same day that I fought with Sir Marhaus I was made knight,and never or then did I battle with no knight,and from me he went alive,and left his shield and his sword behind.

So God me help,said the king,I may not say but ye did as a knight should,and it was your part to do for your quarrel,and to increase your worship as a knight should;howbeit I may not maintain you in this country with my worship,unless that Ishould displease my barons,and my wife and her kin.Sir,said Tristram,I thank you of your good lordship that I have had with you here,and the great goodness my lady,your daughter,hath shewed me,and therefore,said Sir Tristram,it may so happen that ye shall win more by my life than by my death,for in the parts of England it may happen I may do you service at some season,that ye shall be glad that ever ye shewed me your good lordship.With more I promise you as I am true knight,that in all places I shall be my lady your daughter's servant and knight in right and in wrong,and I shall never fail her,to do as much as a knight may do.Also I beseech your good grace that I may take my leave at my lady,your daughter,and at all the barons and knights.I will well,said the king.

Then Sir Tristram went unto La Beale Isoud and took his leave of her.And then he told her all,what he was,and how he had changed his name because he would not be known,and how a lady told him that he should never be whole till he came into this country where the poison was made,wherethrough I was near my death had not your ladyship been.O gentle knight,said La Beale Isoud,full woe am I of thy departing,for I saw never man that Iowed so good will to.And therewithal she wept heartily.Madam,said Sir Tristram,ye shall understand that my name is Sir Tristram de Liones,gotten of King Meliodas,and born of his queen.And I promise you faithfully that I shall be all the days of my life your knight.Gramercy,said La Beale Isoud,and Ipromise you there-against that I shall not be married this seven years but by your assent;and to whom that ye will I shall be married to him will I have,and he will have me if ye will consent.

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