
第180章 BOOK X(32)

When this clerk was come by the mean of the king,anon withal King Mark sent these letters unto Sir Tristram and bade him say thus:that an he would go war upon the miscreants,he should be had out of prison,and to have all his power.When Sir Tristram understood this letter,then he said thus to the clerk:Ah,King Mark,ever hast thou been a traitor,and ever will be;but,Clerk,said Sir Tristram,say thou thus unto King Mark:Since the Apostle Pope hath sent for him,bid him go thither himself;for tell him,traitor king as he is,I will not go at his commandment,get I out of prison as I may,for I see I am well rewarded for my true service.Then the clerk returned unto King Mark,and told him of the answer of Sir Tristram.Well,said King Mark,yet shall he be beguiled.So he went into his chamber,and counterfeit letters;and the letters specified that the Pope desired Sir Tristram to come himself,to make war upon the miscreants.When the clerk was come again to Sir Tristram and took him these letters,then Sir Tristram beheld these letters,and anon espied they were of King Mark's counterfeiting.Ah,said Sir Tristram,false hast thou been ever,King Mark,and so wilt thou end.Then the clerk departed from Sir Tristram and came to King Mark again.

By then there were come four wounded knights within the Castle of Tintagil,and one of them his neck was nigh broken in twain.Another had his arm stricken away,the third was borne through with a spear,the fourth had his teeth stricken in twain.And when they came afore King Mark they cried and said:King,why fleest thou not,for all this country is arisen clearly against thee?Then was King Mark wroth out of measure.

And in the meanwhile there came into the country Sir Percivale de Galis to seek Sir Tristram.And when he heard that Sir Tristram was in prison,Sir Percivale made clearly the deliverance of Sir Tristram by his knightly means.And when he was so delivered he made great joy of Sir Percivale,and so each one of other.Sir Tristram said unto Sir Percivale:An ye will abide in these marches I will ride with you.Nay,said Percivale,in this country I may not tarry,for I must needs into Wales.So Sir Percivale departed from Sir Tristram,and rode straight unto King Mark,and told him how he had delivered Sir Tristram;and also he told the king that he had done himself great shame for to put Sir Tristram in prison,for he is now the knight of most renown in this world living.

And wit thou well the noblest knights of the world love Sir Tristram,and if he will make war upon you ye may not abide it.That is truth,said King Mark,but I may not love Sir Tristram because he loveth my queen and my wife,La Beale Isoud.Ah,fie for shame,said Sir Percivale,say ye never so more.Are ye not uncle unto Sir Tristram,and he your nephew?Ye should never think that so noble a knight as Sir Tristram is,that he would do himself so great a villainy to hold his uncle's wife;howbeit,said Sir Percivale,he may love your queen sinless,because she is called one of the fairest ladies of the world.

Then Sir Percivale departed from King Mark.So when he was departed King Mark bethought him of more treason:notwithstanding King Mark granted Sir Percivale never by no manner of means to hurt Sir Tristram.So anon King Mark sent unto Sir Dinas the Seneschal that he should put down all the people that he had raised,for he sent him an oath that he would go himself unto the Pope of Rome to war upon the miscreants;and this is a fairer war than thus to arise the people against your king.

When Sir Dinas understood that King Mark would go upon the miscreants,then Sir Dinas in all the haste put down all the people;and when the people were departed every man to his home,then King Mark espied where was Sir Tristram with La Beale Isoud;and there by treason King Mark let take him and put him in prison,contrary to his promise that he made unto Sir Percivale.

When Queen Isoud understood that Sir Tristram was in prison she made as great sorrow as ever made lady or gentlewoman.Then Sir Tristram sent a letter unto La Beale Isoud,and prayed her to be his good lady;and if it pleased her to make a vessel ready for her and him,he would go with her unto the realm of Logris,that is this land.When La Beale Isoud understood Sir Tristram's letters and his intent,she sent him another,and bade him be of good comfort,for she would do make the vessel ready,and all thing to purpose.

Then La Beale Isoud sent unto Sir Dinas,and to Sadok,and prayed them in anywise to take King Mark,and put him in prison,unto the time that she and Sir Tristram were departed unto the realm of Logris.When Sir Dinas the Seneschal understood the treason of King Mark he promised her again,and sent her word that King Mark should be put in prison.And as they devised it so it was done.And then Sir Tristram was delivered out of prison;and anon in all the haste Queen Isoud and Sir Tristram went and took their counsel with that they would have with them when they departed.


How Sir Tristram and La Beale Isoud came unto England,and how Sir Launcelot brought them to Joyous Gard.

THEN La Beale Isoud and Sir Tristram took their vessel,and came by water into this land.And so they were not in this land four days but there came a cry of a jousts and tournament that King Arthur let make.When Sir Tristram heard tell of that tournament he disguised himself,and La Beale Isoud,and rode unto that tournament.

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