
第189章 BOOK X(41)

RECOMMENDING unto King Arthur and to all his knights errant,beseeching them all that insomuch as I,King Hermance,King of the Red City,thus am slain by felony and treason,through two knights of mine own,and of mine own bringing up and of mine own making,that some worshipful knight will revenge my death,insomuch I have been ever to my power well willing unto Arthur's court.And who that will adventure his life with these two traitors for my sake in one battle,I,King Hermance,King of the Red City,freely give him all my lands and rents that ever I wielded in my life.This letter,said Ebel,I wrote by my lord's commandment,and then he received his Creator;and when he was dead,he commanded me or ever he were cold to put that letter fast in his hand.And then he commanded me to put forth that same vessel down Humber,and I should give these mariners in commandment never to stint until that they came unto Logris,where all the noble knights shall assemble at this time.And there shall some good knight have pity on me to revenge my death,for there was never king nor lord falslier nor traitorlier slain than Iam here to my death.Thus was the complaint of our King Hermance.Now,said Sir Ebel,ye know all how our lord was betrayed,we require you for God's sake have pity upon his death,and worshipfully revenge his death,and then may ye wield all these lands.For we all wit well that an ye may slay these two traitors,the Red City and all those that be therein will take you for their lord.

Truly,said Sir Palomides,it grieveth my heart for to hear you tell this doleful tale;and to say the truth I saw the same letter that ye speak of,and one of the best knights on the earth read that letter to me,and by his commandment I came hither to revenge your king's death;and therefore have done,and let me wit where I shall find those traitors,for I shall never be at ease in my heart till I be in hands with them.Sir,said Sir Ebel,then take your ship again,and that ship must bring you unto the Delectable Isle,fast by the Red City,and we in this castle shall pray for you,and abide your again-coming.For this same castle,an ye speed well,must needs be yours;for our King Hermance let make this castle for the love of the two traitors,and so we kept it with strong hand,and therefore full sore are we threated.Wot ye what ye shall do,said Sir Palomides;whatsomever come of me,look ye keep well this castle.For an it misfortune me so to be slain in this quest I am sure there will come one of the best knights of the world for to revenge my death,and that is Sir Tristram de Liones,or else Sir Launcelot du Lake.

Then Sir Palomides departed from that castle.And as he came nigh the city,there came out of a ship a goodly knight armed against him,with his shield on his shoulder,and his hand upon his sword.And anon as he came nigh Sir Palomides he said:Sir knight,what seek ye here?leave this quest for it is mine,and mine it was or ever it was yours,and therefore I will have it.Sir knight,said Palomides,it may well be that this quest was yours or it was mine,but when the letter was taken out of the dead king's hand,at that time by likelihood there was no knight had undertaken to revenge the death of the king.And so at that time I promised to revenge his death,and so I shall or else I am ashamed.Ye say well,said the knight,but wit ye well then will I fight with you,and who be the better knight of us both,let him take the battle upon hand.I assent me,said Sir Palomides.And then they dressed their shields,and pulled out their swords,and lashed together many sad strokes as men of might;and this fighting was more than an hour,but at the last Sir Palomides waxed big and better winded,so that then he smote that knight such a stroke that he made him to kneel upon his knees.Then that knight spake on high and said:Gentle knight,hold thy hand.Sir Palomides was goodly and withdrew his hand.Then this knight said:Wit ye well,knight,that thou art better worthy to have this battle than I,and require thee of knighthood tell me thy name.Sir,my name is Palomides,a knight of King Arthur's,and of the Table Round,that hither I came to revenge the death of this dead king.


Of the preparation of Sir Palomides and the two brethren that should fight with him.

WELL be ye found,said the knight to Palomides,for of all knights that be alive,except three,I had liefest have you.The first is Sir Launcelot du Lake,and Sir Tristram de Liones,the third is my nigh cousin,Sir Lamorak de Galis.And I am brother unto King Hermance that is dead,and my name is Sir Hermind.

Ye say well,said Sir Palomides,and ye shall see how Ishall speed;and if I be there slain go ye to my lord Sir Launcelot,or else to my lord Sir Tristram,and pray them to revenge my death,for as for Sir Lamorak him shall ye never see in this world.Alas,said Sir Hermind,how may that be?He is slain,said Sir Palomides,by Sir Gawaine and his brethren.So God me help,said Hermind,there was not one for one that slew him.That is truth,said Sir Palomides,for they were four dangerous knights that slew him,as Sir Gawaine,Sir Agravaine,Sir Gaheris,and Sir Mordred,but Sir Gareth,the fifth brother was away,the best knight of them all.And so Sir Palomides told Hermind all the manner,and how they slew Sir Lamorak all only by treason.

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