
第197章 BOOK X(49)

Truly,said Sir Palomides,as for Sir Launcelot,of his noble knighthood,courtesy,and prowess,and gentleness,I know not his peer;for this day,said Sir Palomides,Idid full uncourteously unto Sir Launcelot,and full unknightly,and full knightly and courteously he did to me again;for an he had been as ungentle to me as I was to him,this day I had won no worship.And therefore,said Palomides,I shall be Sir Launcelot's knight while my life lasteth.This talking was in the houses of kings.But all kings,lords,and knights,said,of clear knighthood,and of pure strength,of bounty,of courtesy,Sir Launcelot and Sir Tristram bare the prize above all knights that ever were in Arthur's days.And there were never knights in Arthur's days did half so many deeds as they did;as the book saith,no ten knights did not half the deeds that they did,and there was never knight in their days that required Sir Launcelot or Sir Tristram of any quest,so it were not to their shame,but they performed their desire.


How King Arthur and Sir Lancelot came to see La Beale Isoud,and how Palomides smote down King Arthur.

SO on the morn Sir Launcelot departed,and Sir Tristram was ready,and La Beale Isoud with Sir Palomides and Sir Gareth.And so they rode all in green full freshly beseen unto the forest.And Sir Tristram left Sir Dinadan sleeping in his bed.And so as they rode it happed the king and Launcelot stood in a window,and saw Sir Tristram ride and Isoud.Sir,said Launcelot,yonder rideth the fairest lady of the world except your queen,Dame Guenever.Who is that?said Sir Arthur.Sir,said he,it is Queen Isoud that,out-taken my lady your queen,she is makeless.Take your horse,said Arthur,and array you at all rights as I will do,and I promise you,said the king,I will see her.Then anon they were armed and horsed,and either took a spear and rode unto the forest.Sir,said Launcelot,it is not good that ye go too nigh them,for wit ye well there are two as good knights as now are living,and therefore,sir,I pray you be not too hasty.For peradventure there will be some knights be displeased an we come suddenly upon them.As for that,said Arthur,I will see her,for I take no force whom I grieve.Sir,said Launcelot,ye put yourself in great jeopardy.As for that,said the king,we will take the adventure.Right so anon the king rode even to her,and saluted her,and said:God you save.Sir,said she,ye are welcome.Then the king beheld her,and liked her wonderly well.

With that came Sir Palomides unto Arthur,and said:

Uncourteous knight,what seekest thou here?thou art uncourteous to come upon a lady thus suddenly,therefore withdraw thee.Sir Arthur took none heed of Sir Palomides'

words,but ever he looked still upon Queen Isoud Then was Sir Palomides wroth,and therewith he took a spear,and came hurtling upon King Arthur,and smote him down with a spear.When Sir Launcelot saw that despite of Sir Palomides,he said to himself:I am loath to have ado with yonder knight,and not for his own sake but for Sir Tristram.And one thing I am sure of,if Ismite down Sir Palomides I must have ado with Sir Tristram,and that were overmuch for me to match them both,for they are two noble knights;notwithstanding,whether I live or I die,needs must I revenge my lord,and so will I,whatsomever befall of me.And therewith Sir Launcelot cried to Sir Palomides:Keep thee from me.And then Sir Launcelot and Sir Palomides rushed together with two spears strongly,but Sir Launcelot smote Sir Palomides so hard that he went quite out of his saddle,and had a great fall.When Sir Tristram saw Sir Palomides have that fall,he said to Sir Launcelot:Sir knight,keep thee,for I must joust with thee.As for to joust with me,said Sir Launcelot,I will not fail you,for no dread I have of you;but I am loath to have ado with you an I might choose,for I will that ye wit that I must revenge my special lord that was unhorsed unwarly and unknightly.

And therefore,though I revenged that fall,take ye no displeasure therein,for he is to me such a friend that Imay not see him shamed.

Anon Sir Tristram understood by his person and by his knightly words that it was Sir Launcelot du Lake,and verily Sir Tristram deemed that it was King Arthur,he that Sir Palomides had smitten down.And then Sir Tristram put his spear from him,and put Sir Palomides again on horseback,and Sir Launcelot put King Arthur on horseback and so departed.So God me help,said Sir Tristram unto Palomides,ye did not worshipfully when ye smote down that knight so suddenly as ye did.And wit ye well ye did yourself great shame,for the knights came hither of their gentleness to see a fair lady;and that is every good knight's part,to behold a fair lady;and ye had not ado to play such masteries afore my lady.

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