
第22章 BOOK II(2)

Certes,said the damosel,this is a passing good knight,and the best that ever I found,and most of worship without treason,treachery,or villainy,and many marvels shall he do.Now,gentle and courteous knight,give me the sword again.Nay,said Balin,for this sword will I keep,but it be taken from me with force.Well,said the damosel,ye are not wise to keep the sword from me,for ye shall slay with the sword the best friend that ye have,and the man that ye most love in the world,and the sword shall be your destruction.I shall take the adventure,said Balin,that God will ordain me,but the sword ye shall not have at this time,by the faith of my body.Ye shall repent it within short time,said the damosel,for I would have the sword more for your avail than for mine,for I am passing heavy for your sake;for ye will not believe that sword shall be your destruction,and that is great pity.With that the damosel departed,making great sorrow.

Anon after,Balin sent for his horse and armour,and so would depart from the court,and took his leave of King Arthur.Nay,said the king,I suppose ye will not depart so lightly from this fellowship,I suppose ye are displeased that I have shewed you unkindness;blame me the less,for I was misinformed against you,but I weened ye had not been such a knight as ye are,of worship and prowess,and if ye will abide in this court among my fellowship,I shall so advance you as ye shall be pleased.God thank your highness,said Balin,your bounty and highness may no man praise half to the value;but at this time I must needs depart,beseeching you alway of your good grace.Truly,said the king,I am right wroth for your departing;I pray you,fair knight,that ye tarry not long,and ye shall be right welcome to me,and to my barons,and I shall amend all miss that I have done against you;God thank your great lordship,said Balin,and therewith made him ready to depart.Then the most part of the knights of the Round Table said that Balin did not this adventure all only by might,but by witchcraft.


How the Lady of the Lake demanded the knight's head that had won the sword,or the maiden's head.

THE meanwhile,that this knight was making him ready to depart,there came into the court a lady that hight the Lady of the Lake.

And she came on horseback,richly beseen,and saluted King Arthur,and there asked him a gift that he promised her when she gave him the sword.That is sooth,said Arthur,a gift Ipromised you,but I have forgotten the name of my sword that ye gave me.The name of it,said the lady,is Excalibur,that is as much to say as Cut-steel.Ye say well,said the king;ask what ye will and ye shall have it,an it lie in my power to give it.

Well,said the lady,I ask the head of the knight that hath won the sword,or else the damosel's head that brought it;I take no force though I have both their heads,for he slew my brother,a good knight and a true,and that gentlewoman was causer of my father's death.Truly,said King Arthur,I may not grant neither of their heads with my worship,therefore ask what ye will else,and I shall fulfil your desire.I will ask none other thing,said the lady.When Balin was ready to depart,he saw the Lady of the Lake,that by her means had slain Balin's mother,and he had sought her three years;and when it was told him that she asked his head of King Arthur,he went to her straight and said,Evil be you found;ye would have my head,and therefore ye shall lose yours,and with his sword lightly he smote off her head before King Arthur.Alas,for shame!said Arthur,why have ye done so?ye have shamed me and all my court,for this was a lady that I was beholden to,and hither she came under my safe-conduct;I shall never forgive you that trespass.Sir,said Balin,me forthinketh of your displeasure,for this same lady was the untruest lady living,and by enchantment and sorcery she hath been the destroyer of many good knights,and she was causer that my mother was burnt,through her falsehood and treachery.What cause soever ye had,said Arthur,ye should have forborne her in my presence;therefore,think not the contrary,ye shall repent it,for such another despite had I never in my court;therefore withdraw you out of my court in all haste ye may.

Then Balin took up the head of the lady,and bare it with him to his hostelry,and there he met with his squire,that was sorry he had displeased King Arthur and so they rode forth out of the town.Now,said Balin,we must depart,take thou this head and bear it to my friends,and tell them how I have sped,and tell my friends in Northumberland that my most foe is dead.Also tell them how I am out of prison,and what adventure befell me at the getting of this sword.Alas!said the squire,ye are greatly to blame for to displease King Arthur.As for that,said Balin,Iwill hie me,in all the haste that I may,to meet with King Rience and destroy him,either else to die therefore;and if it may hap me to win him,then will King Arthur be my good and gracious lord.Where shall I meet with you?said the squire.In King Arthur's court,said Balin.So his squire and he departed at that time.Then King Arthur and all the court made great dole and had shame of the death of the Lady of the Lake.Then the king buried her richly.


How Merlin told the adventure of this damosel.

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