
第268章 BOOK XVIII(1)


Of the joy King Arthur and the queen had of the achievement of the Sangreal;and how Launcelot fell to his old love again.

SO after the quest of the Sangreal was fulfilled,and all knights that were left alive were come again unto the Table Round,as the book of the Sangreal maketh mention,then was there great joy in the court;and in especial King Arthur and Queen Guenever made great joy of the remnant that were come home,and passing glad was the king and the queen of Sir Launcelot and of Sir Bors,for they had been passing long away in the quest of the Sangreal.

Then,as the book saith,Sir Launcelot began to resort unto Queen Guenever again,and forgat the promise and the perfection that he made in the quest.For,as the book saith,had not Sir Launcelot been in his privy thoughts and in his mind so set inwardly to the queen as he was in seeming outward to God,there had no knight passed him in the quest of the Sangreal;but ever his thoughts were privily on the queen,and so they loved together more hotter than they did to-forehand,and had such privy draughts together,that many in the court spake of it,and in especial Sir Agravaine,Sir Gawaine's brother,for he was ever open-mouthed.

So befell that Sir Launcelot had many resorts of ladies and damosels that daily resorted unto him,that besought him to be their champion,and in all such matters of right Sir Launcelot applied him daily to do for the pleasure of Our Lord,Jesu Christ.And ever as much as he might he withdrew him from the company and fellowship of Queen Guenever,for to eschew the slander and noise;wherefore the queen waxed wroth with Sir Launcelot.

And upon a day she called Sir Launcelot unto her chamber,and said thus:Sir Launcelot,I see and feel daily that thy love beginneth to slake,for thou hast no joy to be in my presence,but ever thou art out of this court,and quarrels and matters thou hast nowadays for ladies and gentlewomen more than ever thou wert wont to have aforehand.

Ah madam,said Launcelot,in this ye must hold me excused for divers causes;one is,I was but late in the quest of the Sangreal;and I thank God of his great mercy,and never of my desert,that I saw in that my quest as much as ever saw any sinful man,and so was it told me.And if I had not had my privy thoughts to return to your love again as I do,I had seen as great mysteries as ever saw my son Galahad,outher Percivale,or Sir Bors;and therefore,madam,I was but late in that quest.Wit ye well,madam,it may not be yet lightly forgotten the high service in whom I did my diligent labour.Also,madam,wit ye well that there be many men speak of our love in this court,and have you and me greatly in await,as Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred;and madam,wit ye well I dread them more for your sake than for any fear I have of them myself,for I may happen to escape and rid myself in a great need,where ye must abide all that will be said unto you.And then if that ye fall in any distress through wilful folly,then is there none other remedy or help but by me and my blood.And wit ye well,madam,the boldness of you and me will bring us to great shame and slander;and that were me loath to see you dishonoured.And that is the cause I take upon me more for to do for damosels and maidens than ever I did to-fore,that men should understand my joy and my delight is my pleasure to have ado for damosels and maidens.


How the queen commanded Sir Launcelot to avoid the court,and of the sorrow that Launcelot made.

ALL this while the queen stood still and let Sir Launcelot say what he would.And when he had all said she brast out a-weeping,and so she sobbed and wept a great while.

And when she might speak she said:Launcelot,now Iwell understand that thou art a false recreant knight and a common lecher,and lovest and holdest other ladies,and by me thou hast disdain and scorn.For wit thou well,she said,now I understand thy falsehood,and therefore shall I never love thee no more.And never be thou so hardy to come in my sight;and right here I discharge thee this court,that thou never come within it;and Iforfend thee my fellowship,and upon pain of thy head that thou see me no more.Right so Sir Launcelot departed with great heaviness,that unnethe he might sustain himself for great dole-making.

Then he called Sir Bors,Sir Ector de Maris,and Sir Lionel,and told them how the queen had forfended him the court,and so he was in will to depart into his own country.Fair sir,said Sir Bors de Ganis,ye shall not depart out of this land by mine advice.Ye must remember in what honour ye are renowned,and called the noblest knight of the world;and many great matters ye have in hand.And women in their hastiness will do ofttimes that sore repenteth them;and therefore by mine advice ye shall take your horse,and ride to the good hermitage here beside Windsor,that sometime was a good knight,his name is Sir Brasias,and there shall ye abide till I send you word of better tidings.Brother,said Sir Launcelot,wit ye well I am full loath to depart out of this realm,but the queen hath defended me so highly,that meseemeth she will never be my good lady as she hath been.Say ye never so,said Sir Bors,for many times or this time she hath been wroth with you,and after it she was the first that repented it.Ye say well,said Launcelot,for now will I do by your counsel,and take mine horse and my harness,and ride to the hermit Sir Brasias,and there will I repose me until I hear some manner of tidings from you;but,fair brother,I pray you get me the love of my lady,Queen Guenever,an ye may Sir,said Sir Bors,ye need not to move me of such matters,for well ye wot I will do what I may to please you.

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