
第296章 BOOK XX(2)

Then Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred gat to them twelve knights,and hid themself in a chamber in the Castle of Carlisle,and these were their names:Sir Colgrevance,Sir Mador de la Porte,Sir Gingaline,Sir Meliot de Logris,Sir Petipase of Winchelsea,Sir Galleron of Galway,Sir Melion of the Mountain,Sir Astamore,Sir Gromore Somir Joure,Sir Curselaine,Sir Florence,Sir Lovel.So these twelve knights were with Sir Mordred and Sir Agravaine,and all they were of Scotland,outher of Sir Gawaine's kin,either well-willers to his brethren.

So when the night came,Sir Launcelot told Sir Bors how he would go that night and speak with the queen.

Sir,said Sir Bors,ye shall not go this night by my counsel.

Why?said Sir Launcelot.Sir,said Sir Bors,I dread me ever of Sir Agravaine,that waiteth you daily to do you shame and us all;and never gave my heart against no going,that ever ye went to the queen,so much as now;for I mistrust that the king is out this night from the queen because peradventure he hath lain some watch for you and the queen,and therefore I dread me sore of treason.Have ye no dread,said Sir Launcelot,for Ishall go and come again,and make no tarrying.Sir,said Sir Bors,that me repenteth,for I dread me sore that your going out this night shall wrath us all.Fair nephew,said Sir Launcelot,I marvel much why ye say thus,sithen the queen hath sent for me;and wit ye well I will not be so much a coward,but she shall understand I will see her good grace.God speed you well,said Sir Bors,and send you sound and safe again.


How Sir Launcelot was espied in the queen's chamber,and how Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred came with twelve knights to slay him SO Sir Launcelot departed,and took his sword under his arm,and so in his mantle that noble knight put himself in great Jeopardy;and so he passed till he came to the queen's chamber,and then Sir Launcelot was lightly put into the chamber.And then,as the French book saith,the queen and Launcelot were together.And whether they were abed or at other manner of disports,me list not hereof make no mention,for love that time was not as is now-a-days.

But thus as they were together,there came Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred,with twelve knights with them of the Round Table,and they said with crying voice:Traitor-knight,Sir Launcelot du Lake,now art thou taken.And thus they cried with a loud voice,that all the court might hear it;and they all fourteen were armed at all points as they should fight in a battle.Alas said Queen Guenever,now are we mischieved both Madam,said Sir Launcelot,is there here any armour within your chamber,that I might cover my poor body withal?An if there be any give it me,and I shall soon stint their malice,by the grace of God.Truly,said the queen,I have none armour,shield,sword,nor spear;wherefore I dread me sore our long love is come to a mischievous end,for I hear by their noise there be many noble knights,and well I wot they be surely armed,and against them ye may make no resistance.Wherefore ye are likely to be slain,and then shall I be brent.For an ye might escape them,said the queen,I would not doubt but that ye would rescue me in what danger that ever Istood in.Alas,said Sir Launcelot,in all my life thus was I never bestead,that I should be thus shamefully slain for lack of mine armour.

But ever in one Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred cried:

Traitor-knight,come out of the queen's chamber,for wit thou well thou art so beset that thou shalt not escape.

O Jesu mercy,said Sir Launcelot,this shameful cry and noise I may not suffer,for better were death at once than thus to endure this pain.Then he took the queen in his arms,and kissed her,and said:Most noble Christian queen,I beseech you as ye have been ever my special good lady,and I at all times your true poor knight unto my power,and as I never failed you in right nor in wrong sithen the first day King Arthur made me knight,that ye will pray for my soul if that I here be slain;for well Iam assured that Sir Bors,my nephew,and all the remnant of my kin,with Sir Lavaine and Sir Urre,that they will not fail you to rescue you from the fire;and therefore,mine own lady,recomfort yourself,whatsomever come of me,that ye go with Sir Bors,my nephew,and Sir Urre,and they all will do you all the pleasure that they can or may,that ye shall live like a queen upon my lands.Nay,Launcelot,said the queen,wit thou well I will never live after thy days,but an thou be slain I will take my death as meekly for Jesu Christ's sake as ever did any Christian queen.Well,madam,said I-auncelot,sith it is so that the day is come that our love must depart,wit you well Ishall sell my life as dear as I may;and a thousandfold,said Sir Launcelot,I am more heavier for you than for myself.And now I had liefer than to be lord of all Christendom,that I had sure armour upon me,that men might speak of my deeds or ever I were slain.Truly,said the queen,I would an it might please God that they would take me and slay me,and suffer you to escape.

That shall never be,said Sir Launcelot,God defend me from such a shame,but Jesu be Thou my shield and mine armour!


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