
第62章 BOOK VI(1)


How Sir Launcelot and Sir Lionel departed from the court,and how Sir Lionel left him sleeping and was taken.

SOON after that King Arthur was come from Rome into England,then all the knights of the Table Round resorted unto the king,and made many jousts and tournaments,and some there were that were but knights,which increased so in arms and worship that they passed all their fellows in prowess and noble deeds,and that was well proved on many;but in especial it was proved on Sir Launcelot du Lake,for in all tournaments and jousts and deeds of arms,both for life and death,he passed all other knights,and at no time he was never overcome but if it were by treason or enchantment;so Sir Launcelot increased so marvellously in worship,and in honour,therefore is he the first knight that the French book maketh mention of after King Arthur came from Rome.

Wherefore Queen Guenever had him in great favour above all other knights,and in certain he loved the queen again above all other ladies and damosels of his life,and for her he did many deeds of arms,and saved her from the fire through his noble chivalry.

Thus Sir Launcelot rested him long with play and game.And then he thought himself to prove himself in strange adventures,then he bade his nephew,Sir Lionel,for to make him ready;for we two will seek adventures.So they mounted on their horses,armed at all rights,and rode into a deep forest and so into a deep plain.And then the weather was hot about noon,and Sir Launcelot had great lust to sleep.Then Sir Lionel espied a great apple-tree that stood by an hedge,and said,Brother,yonder is a fair shadow,there may we rest us [and]our horses.

It is well said,fair brother,said Sir Launcelot,for this eight year I was not so sleepy as I am now;and so they there alighted and tied their horses unto sundry trees,and so Sir Launcelot laid him down under an appletree,and his helm he laid under his head.And Sir Lionel waked while he slept.So Sir Launcelot was asleep passing fast.

And in the meanwhile there came three knights riding,as fast fleeing as ever they might ride.And there followed them three but one knight.And when Sir Lionel saw him,him thought he saw never so great a knight,nor so well faring a man,neither so well apparelled unto all rights.So within a while this strong knight had overtaken one of these knights,and there he smote him to the cold earth that he lay still.And then he rode unto the second knight,and smote him so that man and horse fell down.

And then straight to the third knight he rode,and smote him behind his horse's arse a spear length.And then he alighted down and reined his horse on the bridle,and bound all the three knights fast with the reins of their own bridles.When Sir Lionel saw him do thus,he thought to assay him,and made him ready,and stilly and privily he took his horse,and thought not for to awake Sir Launcelot.And when he was mounted upon his horse,he overtook this strong knight,and bade him turn,and the other smote Sir Lionel so hard that horse and man he bare to the earth,and so he alighted down and bound him fast,and threw him overthwart his own horse,and so he served them all four,and rode with them away to his own castle.And when he came there he gart unarm them,and beat them with thorns all naked,and after put them in a deep prison where were many more knights,that made great dolour.


How Sir Ector followed for to seek Sir Launcelot,and how he was taken by Sir Turquine.

WHEN Sir Ector de Maris wist that Sir Launcelot was passed out of the court to seek adventures,he was wroth with himself,and made him ready to seek Sir Launcelot,and as he had ridden long in a great forest he met with a man was like a forester.Fair fellow,said Sir Ector,knowest thou in this country any adventures that be here nigh hand?Sir,said the forester,this country know Iwell,and hereby,within this mile,is a strong manor,and well dyked,and by that manor,on the left hand,there is a fair ford for horses to drink of,and over that ford there groweth a fair tree,and thereon hang many fair shields that wielded sometime good knights,and at the hole of the tree hangeth a basin of copper and latten,and strike upon that basin with the butt of thy spear thrice,and soon after thou shalt hear new tidings,and else hast thou the fairest grace that many a year had ever knight that passed through this forest.Gramercy,said Sir Ector,and departed and came to the tree,and saw many fair shields.And among them he saw his brother's shield,Sir Lionel,and many more that he knew that were his fellows of the Round Table,the which grieved his heart,and promised to revenge his brother.

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