Toward the end of 1863,Lowell prepared an essay on "The President's Policy."It might almost be regarded as a manifesto of the Intellectuals.That there was now a prospect of winning the war "was mainly due to the good sense,the good humor,the sagacity,the large-mindedness,and the unselfish honesty of the unknown man whom a blind fortune,as it seemed,had lifted from the crowd to the most dangerous and difficult eminence of modern times."When the essay appeared in print,Lincoln was greatly pleased.He wrote to the editors of the North American Review,"I am not the most impartial judge;yet with due allowance for this,I venture to hope that the article entitled 'The President's Policy'will be of value to the country.Ifear I am not quite worthy of all which is therein so kindly said of me personally."[1]
This very able defense of his previous course appeared as he was announcing to the country his final course.He was now satisfied that winning the war was but a question of time.
What would come after war was now in his mind the overshadowing matter.He knew that the vindictive temper had lost nothing of its violence.Chandler's savagery--his belief that the Southerners had forfeited the right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness--was still the Vindictive creed.'Vae victi'!When war ended,they meant to set their feet on the neck of the vanquished foe.Furthermore,Lincoln was not deceived as to why they were lying low at this particular minute.Ears had been flattened to the ground and they were heeding what the ground had said.The President was too popular for them to risk attacking him without an obvious issue.Their former issue had been securely appropriated by the Democrats.Where could they find another?With consummate boldness Lincoln presented them an issue.It was reconstruction.When Congress met,he communicated the text of a "Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction."[2]This great document on which all his concluding policy was based,offered "a full pardon"with "restoration of all rights of property,except as to slaves,or in property cases,where rights of third persons shall have intervened"upon subscribing to an oath of allegiance which required only a full acceptance of the authority of the United States.This amnesty was to be extended to all persons except a few groups,such as officers above the rank of colonel and former officials of the United States.The Proclamation also provided that whenever,in any Seceded State,the new oath should be taken by ten per cent.
of all those who were qualified to vote under the laws of 1860,these ten per cent.should be empowered to set up a new State government.
From the Vindictive point of view,here was a startling announcement.Lincoln had declared for a degree of magnanimity that was as a red rag to a bull.He had also carried to its ultimate his assumption of war powers.No request was made for congressional cooperation.The message which the Proclamation accompanied was informative only.
By this time,the Vindictive Coalition of 1861was gradually coming together again.Or,more truly,perhaps,various of its elements were fusing into a sort of descendant of the old coalition.The leaders of the new Vindictive group were much the same as the leaders of the earlier group.There was one conspicuous addition.During the next six months,Henry Winter Davis held for a time the questionable distinction of being Lincoln's most inveterate enemy.He was a member of the House.
In the House many young and headstrong politicians rallied about him.The Democrats at times craftily followed his lead.
Despite the older and more astute Vindictives of the Senate,Chandler,Wade and the rest who knew that their time had not come,Davis,with his ardent followers,took up the President's challenge.Davis brought in a bill designed to complete the reorganization of the old Vindictive Coalition.It appealed to the enemies of presidential prerogative,to all those who wanted the road to reconstruction made as hard as possible,and to the Abolitionists.This bill,in so many words,transferred the whole matter of reconstruction from the President to Congress;it required a majority (instead of one-tenth)of all the male citizens of a Seceded State as the basis of a new government;it exacted of this -majority a pledge never to pay any State debt contracted during the Confederacy,and also the perpetual prohibition of slavery in their State constitution.