
第35章 THE CRISIS(2)

But there was an obstacle in his path.It was Lincoln.Of course,it was folly to propose a scheme which the incoming President would not sustain.Lincoln and Seward must come to an understanding.To bring that about Seward despatched a personal legate to Springfield.Thurlow Weed,editor,man of the world,political wire-puller beyond compare,Seward's devoted henchman,was the legate.One of the great events of American history was the conversation between Weed and Lincoln in December,1860.By a rare propriety of dramatic effect,it occurred probably,on the very day South Carolina brought to an end its campaign of menace and adopted its Ordinance of Secession,December twentieth.[1]

Weed had brought to Springfield a definite proposal.The Crittenden compromise was being hotly discussed in Congress and throughout the country.All the Northern advocates of conciliation were eager to put it through.There was some ground to believe that the Southern machine at Washington would accept it.If Lincoln would agree,Seward would make it the basis of his policy.

This Compromise would have restored the old line of the Missouri Compromise and would have placed it under the protection of a constitutional amendment.This,together with a guarantee against congressional interference with slavery in the States where it existed,a guarantee the Republicans had already offered,seemed to Seward,to Weed,to Greeley,to the bulk of the party,a satisfactory means of preserving the Union.What was it but a falling back on the original policy of the party,the undoing of those measures of 1854which had called the party into being?Was it conceivable that Lincoln would balk the wishes of the party by obstructing such a natural mode of extrication?But that was what Lincoln did.

His views had advanced since 1854.Then,he was merely for restoring the old duality of the country,the two "dominions,"Northern and Southern,each with its own social order.He had advanced to the belief that this duality could not permanently continue.Just how far Lincoln realized what he was doing in refusing to compromise will never be known.Three months afterward,he took a course which seems to imply that his vision during the interim had expanded,had opened before him a new revelation of the nature of his problem.At the earlier date Lincoln and the Southern people--not the Southern machine--were looking at the one problem from opposite points of view,and were locating the significance of the problem in different features.To Lincoln,the heart of the matter was slavery.To the Southerners,including the men who had voted lack of confidence in Breckinridge,the heart of the matter was the sphere of influence.What the Southern majority wanted was not the policy of the slave profiteers but a secure future for expansion,a guarantee that Southern life,social,economic,cultural,would not be merged with the life of the opposite section:in a word,preservation of "dominion"status.In Lincoln's mind,slavery being the main issue,this "dominion"issue was incidental--a mere outgrowth of slavery that should begin to pass away with slavery's restriction.In the Southern mind,a community consciousness,the determination to be a people by themselves,nation within the nation,was the issue,and slavery was the incident.To repeat,it is impossible to say what Lincoln would have done had he comprehended the Southern attitude.His near horizon which had kept him all along from grasping the negative side of the Southern movement prevented his perception of this tragic instance of cross-purposes.

Lacking this perception,his thoughts had centered themselves on a recent activity of the slave profiteers.They had clamored for the annexation of new territory to the south of us.Various attempts had been made to create an international crisis looking toward the seizure of Cuba.Then,too,bold adventurers had staked their heads,seeking to found slave-holding communities in Central America.Why might not such attempts succeed?Why might not new Slave States be created outside the Union,eventually to be drawn in?Why not?

said the slave profiteer,and gave money and assistance to the filibusters in Nicaragua.Why not?said Lincoln,also.What protection against such an extension of boundaries?Was the limitation of slave area to be on one side only,the Northern side?And here at last,for Lincoln,was what appeared to be the true issue of the moment.To dualize the Union,assuming its boundaries to be fixed,was one thing.To dualize the Union in the face of a movement for extension of boundaries was another.Hence it was now vital,as Lincoln reasoned,to give slavery a fixed boundary on all sides.Silently,while others fulminated,or rhapsodized,or wailed,he had moved inexorably to a new position which was nothing but a logical development of the old.The old position was-no extension of slave territory;the new position was--no more Slave States.[2]Because Crittenden's Compromise left it possible to have a new Slave State in Cuba,a new Slave State in Nicaragua,perhaps a dozen such new States,Lincoln refused to compromise.[3]

It was a terrible decision,carrying within it the possibility of civil war.But Lincoln could not be moved.This was the first acquaintance of the established political leaders with his inflexible side.In the recesses of his own thoughts the decision had been reached.It was useless to argue with him.

Weed carried bad:his ultimatum.Seward abandoned Crittenden's scheme.The only chance for compromise passed away.The Southern leaders set about their plans for organizing a Southern Confederacy.

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