

Vagrants,or little better than vagrants,were Thomas Lincoln and his family making their way to Indiana.For a year after they arrived they were squatters,their home an "open-faced camp,"that is,a shanty with one wall missing,and instead of chimney,a fire built on the open side.In that mere pretense of a house,Nancy Lincoln and her children spent the winter of 1816-1817.Then Thomas resorted to his familiar practice of taking land on credit.The Lincolns were now part of a "settlement"of seven or eight families strung along a little stream known as Pigeon Creek.Here Thomas entered a quarter-section of fair land,and in the course of the next eleven years succeeded--wonderful to relate--in paying down sufficient money to give him title to about half.

Meanwhile,poor fading Nancy went to her place.Pigeon Creek was an out-of-the-way nook in the still unsettled West,and Nancy during the two years she lived there could not have enjoyed much of the consolation of her religion.Perhaps now and then she had ghostly council of some stray circuit-rider.

But for her the days of the ecstasies had gone by;no great revival broke the seals of the spirit,stirred its deep waters,along Pigeon Creek.There was no religious service when she was laid to rest in a coffin made of green lumber and fashioned by her husband.Months passed,the snow lay deep,before a passing circuit-rider held a burial service over her grave.

Tradition has it that the boy Abraham brought this about very likely,at ten years old,he felt that her troubled spirit could not have peace till this was done.Shadowy as she is,ghostlike across the page of history,it is plain that she was a reality to her son.He not only loved her but revered her.

He believed that from her he had inherited the better part of his genius.Many years after her death he said,"God bless my mother;all that I am or ever hope to be I owe to her."Nancy was not long without a successor.Thomas Lincoln,the next year,journeyed back to Kentucky and returned in triumph to Indiana,bringing as his wife,an old flame of his who had married,had been widowed,and was of a mind for further adventures.This Sarah Bush Lincoln,of less distinction than Nancy,appears to have been steadier-minded and stronger-willed.Even before this,Thomas had left the half-faced camp and moved into a cabin.But such a cabin!It had neither door,nor window,nor floor.Sally Lincoln required her husband to make of it a proper house--by the standards of Pigeon Creek.She had brought with her as her dowry a wagonload of furniture.These comforts together with her strong will began a new era of relative comfort in the Lincoln cabin.[1]

Sally Lincoln was a kind stepmother to Abraham who became strongly attached to her.In the rough and nondescript community of Pigeon Creek,a world of weedy farms,of miserable mud roads,of log farm-houses,the family life that was at least tolerable.The sordid misery described during her regime emerged from wretchedness to a state of by all the recorders of Lincoln's early days seems to have ended about his twelfth year.At least,the vagrant suggestion disappeared.Though the life that succeeded was void of luxury,though it was rough,even brutal,dominated by a coarse,peasant-like view of things,it was scarcely by peasant standards a life of hardship.There was food sufficient,if not very good;protection from wind and weather;fire in the winter time;steady labor;and social acceptance by the community of the creekside.That the labor was hard and long,went without saying.But as to that--as of the whippings in Kentucky--what else,from the peasant point of view,would you expect?

Abraham took it all with the same stoicism with which he had once taken the whippings.By the unwritten law of the creekside he was his father's property,and so was his labor,until he came of age.Thomas used him as a servant or hired him out to other farmers.Stray recollections show us young Abraham working as a farm-hand for twenty-five cents the day,probably with "keep"in addition;we glimpse him slaughtering hogs skilfully at thirty-one cents a day,for this was "rough work."He became noted as an axman.

In the crevices,so to speak,of his career as a farm-hand,Abraham got a few months of schooling,less than a year in all.

A story that has been repeated a thousand times shows the raw youth by the cabin fire at night doing sums on the back of a wooden shovel,and shaving off its surface repeatedly to get a fresh page.He devoured every book that came his way,only a few to be sure,but generally great ones--the Bible,of course,and Aesop,Crusoe,Pilgrim's Progress,and a few histories,these last unfortunately of the poorer sort.He early displayed a bent for composition,scribbling verses that were very poor,and writing burlesque tales about his acquaintances in what passed for a Biblical style.[2]

One great experience broke the monotony of the life on Pigeon Creek.He made a trip to New Orleans as a "hand"on a flatboat.Of this trip little is known though much may be surmised.To his deeply poetic nature what an experience it must have been:the majesty of the vast river;the pageant of its immense travel;the steamers heavily laden;the fleets of barges;the many towns;the nights of stars over wide sweeps of water;the stately plantation houses along the banks;the old French city with its crowds,its bells,the shipping,the strange faces and the foreign speech;all the bewildering evidence that there were other worlds besides Pigeon Creek!

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    宅斗、种田、爱情、雪冤、励志京城最大的扫帚星要娶亲,嫡母巧舌如簧,竟将她送入虎口。虽为庶女,可她又岂容人任意欺凌?此女,外表柔顺内心强悍,貌似单纯实则狡猾,前一世为名利忙忙碌碌,这一世,她想做的事情并不多,护着娘不被正房嫡妻欺凌,护着幼弟平安健康长大,偏偏一道圣旨令她嫁入公主府。既来之则安之,看她如何八面玲珑,舌战极品亲戚,脚踢险恶手足。只是,不论她再如何强势,却依旧改变不了丈夫面容被毁,身有残疾的事实。原本以为这一生就这般浑噩的过,却不料那冷面相公每每转身都能给自己带来无限的惊喜和错愕。——他,公主嫡子,本该是封侯拜相的天之娇子,却因为六年前一场意外,让他跌入谷底,成了皇上最避忌的人,也成了人人恐嫁的扫帚星。其实他要的不多,有她的爱,此生足矣。他求的是一个机会,一个华丽转身的机遇,亲手给她无限荣光,还有别样的完美生活……——他,集万千宠爱于一身的皇子,亲手将她送入他所敬佩的男人怀里,却抵不过心底的情丝蔓延。——他,恨她在自己最大的敌人身后撑起一片蓝天,到底是该将她碎尸万段,还是据为己有?◇◇◇推荐菡笑的新坑《重生之嫡女不乖》,求收藏、求包养种田、宅斗、复仇、欢喜冤家前世,她太过懦弱、太过信任他人,被心上人和至亲连手推入最难堪的境地,却原来,所有的脉脉柔情和温暖关怀,都不过是为了她不菲的财产和那个不欲人知的秘密。心碎的她,在他面前焚毁一切。自黑暗之中醒来,她竟重生到了四年前,那时,父母刚刚双亡,她刚刚踏入伯爵府,再一次,她站在了命运的转折点前。带着浓浓恨意重生的她,化身为一半佳人一半魔鬼的罂粟花,誓要向那些恣意践踏她尊严的人,索回一切……精彩抢先看:“小姐,舅夫人竟然四处诋毁您的名誉,把您说得刁蛮任性不识好歹,表小姐的缺点全放到您身上,太可气了!”忠心的丫头义愤填膺。“那又如何?”俞筱晚只是淡然浅笑,前世的她就是太过在意名声,才会处处受制于人,如今的她只想潇洒恣意地活,旁人的流言蜚语,不过是耳旁轻风。不就是怕她的巨额嫁妆流入外人田吗?她还非要将带着十里红妆,风光出嫁不可了。只不过,怎么挑来挑去,竟挑了一个跟她明显属于一类的家伙?本文复仇是必然滴,基调是温馨滴,过程是曲折滴、结局是圆满滴,男主是有爱滴,女主是表里完全不一滴,收藏了,一定不会后悔滴╰( ̄▽ ̄)╮~~~~~
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    查尔斯·罗伯特·达尔文,CHARLES ROBERT DARWIN英国生物学家,进化论的奠基人。曾乘“贝格尔”号舰进行了历时5年的环球航行,对动植物和地质结构等进行了大量的观察和采集。出版《物种起源》这一划时代的著作,提出了生物进化论学说,从而摧毁了各种唯心的神造论和物种不变论,除了生物学外,他的理论对人类学、心理学及哲学的发展都有不容忽视的影响。