
第14章 PART I(13)

As she had anticipated,the physician invited to advise her was readier to read the notes than to listen to her own imperfect explanation of the object in view.He was strongly impressed by the novelty and good sense of the ideas that her husband advocated,and was candid enough openly to acknowledge it.But he,too,protested against any attempt on the part of a woman to carry out any part of the proposed reform,even on the smallest scale.Exasperated by these new remonstrances,my aunt's patience gave way.Refusing to submit herself to the physician's advice,she argued the question boldly from her own point of view.The discussion was at its height,when the door of the room was suddenly opened from without.A lady in walking-costume appeared,with two ladies in attendance on her.The two gentlemen started to their feet,and whispered to my aunt,"The Princess!"This was the exalted personage whom the superintendent at Bethlehem had been too discreet to describe more particularly as a daughter of George the Third.Passing the door on her way to the Palace-gardens,the Princess had heard the contending voices,and the name of Jack distinctly pronounced in a woman's tones.Inheriting unusually vigorous impulses of curiosity from her august father,her Highness opened the door and joined the party without ceremony.

"What are you quarreling about?"inquired the Princess."And who is this lady?"Mrs.Wagner was presented,to answer for herself.She made the best of the golden opportunity that had fallen into her hands.The Princess was first astonished,then interested,then converted to my aunt's view of the case.In the monotonous routine of Court life,here was a romantic adventure in which even the King's daughter could take some share.Her Highness quoted Boadicea,Queen Elizabeth,and Joan of Arc,as women who had matched the men on their own ground--and complimented Mrs.Wagner as a heroine of the same type.

"You are a fine creature,"said the Princess,"and you may trust to me to help you with all my heart.Come to my apartments tomorrow at this time--and tell poor Jack that I have not forgotten him."Assailed by Royal influence,all the technical obstacles that lawyers,doctors,and governors could raise to the liberation of Jack Straw were set aside by an ingenious appeal to the letter of the law,originating in a suggestion made by the Princess herself.

"It lies in a nutshell,my dear,"said her Highness to my aunt."They tell me I broke the rules when I insisted on having Jack admitted to the Hospital.Now,your late husband was one of the governors;and you are his sole executor.Very good.As your husband's representative,complain of the violation of the rules,and insist on the discharge of Jack.He occupies a place which ought to be filled by an educated patient in a higher rank of life.Oh,never mind me!I shall express my regret for disregarding the regulations--and,to prove my sincerity,I shall consent to the poor creature's dismissal,and assume the whole responsibility of providing for him myself.There is the way out of our difficulty.Take it--and you shall have Jack whenever you want him."In three weeks from that time,the "dangerous lunatic"was free (as our friend the lawyer put it)to "murder Mrs.Wagner,and to burn the house down."How my aunt's perilous experiment was conducted--in what particulars it succeeded and in what particulars it failed--I am unable to state as an eyewitness,owing to my absence at the time.This curious portion of the narrative will be found related by Jack himself,on a page still to come.

In the meanwhile,the course of events compels me to revert to the circumstances which led to my departure from London.

While Mrs.Wagner was still in attendance at the palace,a letter reached her from Mr.Keller,stating the necessity of increasing the number of clerks at the Frankfort branch of our business.Closely occupied as she then was,she found time to provide me with those instructions to her German partners,preparing them for the coming employment of women in their office,to which she had first alluded when the lawyer and I had our interview with her after the reading of the will.

"The cause of the women,"she said to me,"must not suffer because Ihappen to be just now devoted to the cause of poor Jack.Go at once to Frankfort,David.I have written enough to prepare my partners there for a change in the administration of the office,and to defer for the present the proposed enlargement of our staff of clerks.The rest you can yourself explain from your own knowledge of the plans that I have in contemplation.Start on your journey as soon as possible--and understand that you are to say No positively,if Fritz proposes to accompany you.He is not to leave London without the express permission of his father."Fritz did propose to accompany me,the moment he heard of my journey.Imust own that I thought the circumstances excused him.

On the previous evening,we had consulted the German newspapers at the coffee-house,and had found news from Wurzburg which quite overwhelmed my excitable friend.

Being called upon to deliver their judgment,the authorities presiding at the legal inquiry into the violation of the seals and the loss of the medicine-chest failed to agree in opinion,and thus brought the investigation to a most unsatisfactory end.The moral effect of this division among the magistrates was unquestionably to cast a slur on the reputation of Widow Fontaine.She was not pronounced to be guilty--but she was also not declared to be innocent.Feeling,no doubt,that her position among her neighbors had now become unendurable,she and her daughter had left Wurzburg.The newspaper narrative added that their departure had been privately accomplished.No information could be obtained of the place of their retreat.

  • 回家的燕子


  • 美缘纪


  • 各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法


  • 海底两万里


  • 做最好的执行者


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  • 惊狂七小姐


  • 定鼎奇闻


  • 莎士比亚十四行诗(化境文库)


    《莎士比亚十四行诗》是世界文豪莎士比亚创作的十四行诗全收录。成书大约于1590年至1598年之间,其诗作的结构技巧和语言技巧都很高,几乎每首诗都有独立的审美价值。诗集分为两部分,第一部分为前126首,献给一个年轻的贵族(Fair Lord),诗人的诗热烈地歌颂了这位朋友的美貌以及他们的友情;第二部分为第127首至最后,献给一位“黑女士”(Dark Lady),描写爱情。
  • 快捷糖水

