
第93章 PART II(39)




On the twelfth of December,I received a letter from Mrs.Wagner,informing me that the marriage of Fritz and Minna had been deferred until the thirteenth of January.Shortly afterwards I left London,on my way to Frankfort.

My departure was hurried,to afford me time to transact business with some of our correspondents in France and in Northern Germany.Our head-clerk,Mr.Hartrey (directing the London house in Mrs.Wagner's absence),had his own old-fashioned notions of doing nothing in a hurry.

He insisted on allowing me a far larger margin of time,for treating with our correspondents,than I was likely to require.The good man little suspected to what motive my ready submission to him was due.I was eager to see my aunt and the charming Minna once more.Without neglecting any of my duties (and with the occasional sacrifice of traveling by night),Icontrived to reach Frankfort a week before I was expected--that is to say,in the forenoon of the fourth of January.


Joseph's face,when he opened the door,at once informed me that something extraordinary was going on in the house.

"Anything wrong?"I asked.

Joseph looked at me in a state of bewilderment."You had better speak to the doctor,"he said.

"The doctor!Who is ill?My aunt?Mr.Keller?Who is it?"In my impatience,I took him by the collar of his coat,and shook him.I shook out nothing but the former answer,a little abridged:--"Speak to the doctor."

The office-door was close by me.I asked one of the clerks if Mr.Keller was in his room.The clerk informed me that Mr.Keller was upstairs with the doctor.In the extremity of my suspense,I inquired again if my aunt was ill.The man opened his eyes."Is it possible you haven't heard?"he said.

"Is she dead or alive?"I burst out,losing all patience.

"Both,"answered the clerk.

I began--not unnaturally,I think--to wonder whether I was in Mr.

Keller's house,or in an asylum for idiots.Returning to the hall,Icollared Joseph for the second time."Take me up to the doctor instantly!"I said.

Joseph led the way upstairs--not on my aunt's side of the house,to my infinite relief.On the first landing,he made a mysterious communication."Mr.David,I have given notice to leave,"he said."There are some things that no servant can put up with.While a person lives,Iexpect a person to live.When a person dies,I expect a person to die.

There must be no confusion on such a serious subject as life and death.Iblame nobody--I understand nothing--I merely go.Follow me,if you please,sir."Had he been drinking?He led the way up the next flight of stairs,steadily and quietly.He knocked discreetly at Madame Fontaine's door.

"Mr.David Glenney,"he announced,"to see Doctor Dormann."Mr.Keller came out first,closing the door behind him.He embraced me,with a demonstrative affection far from characteristic of him at other times.His face was disturbed;his voice faltered,as he spoke his first words to me.

"Welcome back,David--more welcome than ever!""My aunt is well,I hope?"

He clasped his hands fervently."God is merciful,"he said."Thank God!""Is Madame Fontaine ill?"

Before he could answer,the door was opened again.Doctor Dormann came out.

"The very man I want!"he exclaimed."You could not possibly have arrived at a better time."He turned to Mr.Keller."Where can I find writing-materials?In the drawing-room?Come down,Mr.Glenney.Come down,Mr.Keller."In the drawing-room,he wrote a few lines rapidly."See us sign our names,"he said.He handed the pen to Mr.Keller after he had signed himself--and then gave me the paper to read.

To my unspeakable amazement,the writing certified that,"the suspended vital forces in Mrs.Wagner had recovered their action,in the Deadhouse of Frankfort,at half-past one o'clock on the morning of the fourth of January;that he had professionally superintended the restoration to life;and that he thereby relieved the magistrates from any further necessity for pursuing a private inquiry,the motive for which no longer existed."To this statement there was a line added,declaring that Mr.

Keller withdrew his application to the magistrates;authenticated by Mr.

Keller's signature.

I stood with the paper in my hand,looking from one to the other of them,as completely bewildered as Joseph himself.

"I can't leave Madame Fontaine,"said the doctor;"I am professionally interested in watching the case.Otherwise,I would have made my statement in person.Mr.Keller has been terribly shaken,and stands in urgent need of rest and quiet.You will do us both a service if you will take that paper to the town-hall,and declare before the magistrates that you know us personally,and have seen us sign our names.On your return,you shall have every explanation that I can give;and you shall see for yourself that you need feel no uneasiness on the subject of your aunt."Having arrived at the town-hall,I made the personal statement to which the doctor had referred.Among the questions put to me,I was asked if Ihad any direct interest in the matter--either as regarded Mrs.Wagner or any other person.Having answered that I was Mrs.Wagner's nephew,I was instructed to declare in writing,that I approved (as Mrs.Wagner's representative)of the doctor's statement and of Mr.Keller's withdrawal of his application.

With this,the formal proceedings terminated,and I was free to return to the house.


Joseph had his orders,this time.He spoke like a reasonable being--he said the doctor was waiting for me,in Madame Fontaine's room.The place of the appointment rather surprised me.

The doctor opened the door--but paused before he admitted me.

"I think you were the first person,"he said,"who saw Mr.Keller,on the morning when he was taken ill?""After the late Mr.Engelman,"I answered,"I was the first person.

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