

ALL that afternoon we travelled on along the magnificent roadway,which headed steadily in a northwesterly direction.Infadoos and Scragga walked with us,but their followers marched about one hundred paces ahead.

"Infadoos,"I said at length,"who made this road?""It was made,my lord,of old time,none knew how or when,not even the wise woman,Gagool,who has lived for generations.We are not old enough to remember its making.None can make such roads now,but the king lets no grass grow upon it.""And whose are the writings on the walls of the caves through which we have passed on the road?"I asked,referring to the Egyptian-like Sculptures we had seen.

"My lord,the hands that made the road wrote the wonderful writings.

We know not who wrote.them."

"When did the Kukuana race come into this country?""My lord,the race came down here like the breath of a storm ten thousand thousand moons ago,from the great lands which lie there beyond,"and he pointed to the north."They could travel no farther,so say the old voices of our fathers that have come down to us,the children,and so says Gagool,the wise woman,the smeller-out of witches;because of the great mountains which ring in the land,"and he pointed to the snow-clad peaks."The country,too,was good,so they settled here and grew strong and powerful,and now our numbers are like the sea sand,and when Twala the king calls up his regiments their plumes cover the plain as far as the eye of man can reach.""And if the land is walled in with mountains,who is there for the regiments to fight with?""Nay,my lord,the country is open there,"and again he pointed towards the north,"and now and again warriors sweep down upon us in clouds from a land we know not,and we slay them.It is the third part of the life of a man since there was a war.Many thousands died in it,but we destroyed those who came to eat us up.So,since then there has been no war.""Your warriors must grow weary of resting on their spears.""My lord,there was one war,just after we destroyed the people that came down upon us,but it was a civil war -dog eat dog.""How was that?"

"My lord,the king,my half-brother,had a brother born at the same birth and of the same woman.It is not our custom,my lord,to let twins live;the weakest must always die.But the mother of the king hid away the weakest child,which was born the last,for her heart yearned over it,and the child is Twala the king.I am his younger brother born of another wife.""My lord,Kafa,our father,died when we came to manhood,and my brother Imotu was made king in his place,and for a space reigned and had a son by his favorite wife.When the babe was three years old,just after the great war,during which no man could sow or reap,a famine came upon the land,and the people murmured because of the famine,and looked round like a starved lion for something to rend.Then it was that Gagool,the wise and terrible woman,who does not die,proclaimed to the people,saying,`The king Imotu is no king.'And at the time Imotu was sick with a wound,and lay in his hut not able to move.

"Then Gagool went into a hut and led out Twala,my half-brother,and the twin brother of the king,whom she had hidden since he was born among the caves and rocks,and,stripping the `moocha'(waist-cloth)off his loins,showed the people of the Kukuanas the mark of the sacred snake coiled round his waist,wherewith the eldest son of the king is marked at birth,and cried out loud,`Behold,your king,whom I have saved for you even to this day!'And the people,being mad with hunger and altogether.

bereft of reason and the knowledge of truth.cried out,`The king!The king!'but I knew that it was not so,for Imotu,my brother,was the elder of the twins,and was the lawful king.And just as the tumult was at its height Imotu the king,though he was very sick,came crawling from his hut holding his wife by the hand,and followed by his little son Ignosi (the lightning).

"'What is this noise?'he asked;`Why cry ye The king!The king!'

  • 左史谏草


  • 诗话后编


  • Eight Cousins

    Eight Cousins

  • 奉送王信州崟北归


  • 惜香乐府


  • 回归乔斯


    【2011两岸文学PK大赛作品】求支持票票推荐评论。 这是一个现实的故事,校园的爱情,与社会的碰撞. 林子杰是一所二流专科的大学生,高考前天因为一个男孩子而 落榜。入学以后,她开始变得不像她。 一次偶然,她竟然学会了打架;并且有控制不了自己的感觉。 也就是在又一次的惹祸中,她认识了他——于雷雷。 并于他成为好朋友,可是,子杰心里有爱情的伤;当雷雷终于说 爱上她时,她却选择了逃避。 在下一个转角,又遇到了一个男孩;他会带她走向怎样的人生? 怀着惊恐与不安。。。 子杰走着每一步。。。 总有人会在人生的路上犯下错误,同样;也总有人,可以走出。 当他遇上她,也许,故事注定该怎样去结束。无论过程怎样,有爱的地方,还有什么不是天堂。
  • 送阎侍御归阙


  • 在轮下(黑塞作品10)


  • 最让你受益一生的感恩故事(智慧背囊)


  • 水浒游记


  • 总裁的秘宠情人


  • 月球烤肉店


  • 世事纷纭说赖琏


  • 穿越木叶开宝箱


  • 重生之王爷请娶我

