

"Yes,we found him.And now I have promised ye that if ye can find that chamber,and the stones are there -""The,stone upon thy forehead proves that they are there,"I put in,pointing to the great diamond I had taken from Twala's dead brows.

"Mayhap;if they are there,"he said,"ye shall have as many as ye can take hence -if,indeed,ye would leave me,my brothers.""First we must find the chamber,"said I.

"There is but one who can show it to thee -Gagool.',"And if she will not?""Then shall she die,"said Ignosi,sternly."I have saved her alive but for this.Stay,she shall choose,"and,calling to a messenger,he ordered Gagool to be brought.

In a few minutes she came,hurried along by two guards,whom she was cursing as she walked.

"Leave her,"said the king to the guards.

As soon as their support was withdrawn the withered old bundle,for she looked more like a bundle than anything else,sank into a heap on the floor out of which her two bright,wicked eyes gleamed like a snake's.

"What will ye with me,Ignosi?"she piped."Ye dare not touch me.If ye touch me I will blast ye as ye sit.Beware of my magic.""Thy magic could not save Twala,old she-wolf,and it cannot hurt me."was the answer."Listen:I will this of thee,that thou reveal where is the chamber where are the shining stones.""Ha!ha!"she piped,"none know but I,and I will never tell thee.

The white devils shall go hence empty-handed.""Thou wilt tell me.I will make thee tell me.""How,O king?Thou art great,but can thy power wring the truth from a woman?""It is difficult,yet will I do it."

"How,O king?"

"Nay,thus;if thou tellest not thou shalt slowly die.""Die!"she shrieked,in terror and fury;"ye dare not touch me man,ye know not who I am.How old think ye am I?I knew your fathers,and your fathers'fathers'fathers.When the country was young I was here,when the country grows old I shall still be here.I cannot die unless Ibe killed by chance,for none dare slay me."

"Yet will I slay thee.See,Gagool,mother of evil,thou art so old thou canst no longer love thy life:What can life be to such a hag as thee,who hast no shape,nor form,nor hair,nor teeth -hast naught,save wickedness and evil eyes?It will be mercy to slay thee,Gagool.""Thou fool,"shrieked the old fiend,"thou accursed fool,thinkest thou that life is sweet only to the young?It is not so,and naught thou knowest of the heart of man to think it.To the young,indeed,death is sometimes welcome,for the young can feel.They love and suffer,and it wrings them to see their beloved pass to the land of shadows.But the old feel not,they love not,and,ha!they laugh to see another go out into the dark;ha!ha!they laugh to see the evil that is done under the sun.

All they love is life,the warm,warm sun,and the sweet,sweet air.They are afraid of the cold;afraid of the cold and the dark,ha!ha!ha!"and the old hag writhed in ghastly merriment on the ground.

"Cease thine evil talk and answer me,"said Ignosi,angrily."Wilt thou show the place where the stones are,or wilt thou not?If thou wilt not,thou diest,even now,"and he seized a spear and held it over her.

"I will not show it;thou darest not kill me,darest not.He who slays me.will be accursed forever."Slowly Ignosi brought down the spear till it pricked the prostrate heap of rags.

With a wild yell she sprang to her feet,and then again fell and rolled upon the floor.

"Nay;I will show it.Only let me live,let me sit in the sun and have a bit of meat to suck,and I will show thee.""It is well.I thought I should find a way to reason with thee.

To-morrow shalt thou go with Infadoos and my white brothers to the place,and beware how thou failest,for if thou showest it not,then shalt thou slowly die.I have spoken.""1will not fail,Ignosi.I always keep my word:ha!ha!ha!Once a woman showed the place to a white man before,and behold evil befell him,"and here her wicked eyes glinted."Her name was Gagool,too.Perchance I was that woman.""Thou liest,"I said,"that was ten generations gone.""Mayhap,mayhap;when one lives long one forgets.Perhaps it was my mother's mother who told me;surely her name was Gagool,also,But mark,ye will find in the place where the bright playthings are a bag of hide full of stones.The man filled that bag,but he never took it away.Evil befell him,I say;evil befell him!Perhaps it was my mother's mother who told me.It will be a merry journey -we can see the bodies of those who died in the battle as we go.Their eyes will be gone by now,and their ribs will be hollow.Ha!ha!ha!"

  • 田赋考辨


  • 影梅庵忆语


  • 寂照神变三摩地经


  • 阵图


  • 徐批叶天士晚年方案真本


  • 今夜我对你说


  • 快穿系统:黑化boss,强势宠


  • 作文趣话


    《作文趣话》本书主要介绍了作文中的趣话, 是学生一族不可缺少的课外读物。
  • 仙穹宿


  • 魔妃世无双


    传说,每个生灵都照应星海中的一颗命星,星神掌控星轨,把握世间生灵的命途。她怀星辰神力,掌万物命运,却意外进入平行时空。 都说凡人看不到神仙的力量,谁能想到她这修炼废柴可以变幻天地? 从此,她在异世开挂,扮猪吃虎坑作死人渣,花式打脸训渣男莲花,四海八荒追随她,万千妖兽认老大,魔女之名冠天下! 怎知她稀里糊涂间救下的捣蛋鬼小正太,竟是先前被她连环坑爆的国师大人。他本算计着好好教训一下这鬼灵精怪的少女,却没想到把自己给坑了进去。 【轻松搞笑,甜爽无虐,强强联合脑洞大开的异世大冒险!】
  • 一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经


  • 回乡之路


  • 只有日光在唱歌


  • 径中径又径


  • 易骨

