
第62章 Chapter 24(1)

A Rival Magician MY influence in the Valley of Holiness was something prodigious now.It seemed worth while to try to turn it to some valuable account.The thought came to me the next morning,and was suggested by my seeing one of my knights who was in the soap line come riding in.According to history,the monks of this place two centuries before had been worldly minded enough to want to wash.It might be that there was a leaven of this unrighteousness still remaining.So I sounded a Brother:

"Wouldn't you like a bath?"

He shuddered at the thought --the thought of the peril of it to the well --but he said with feeling:

"One needs not to ask that of a poor body who has not known that blessed refreshment sith that he was a boy.Would God I might wash me!but it may not be,fair sir,tempt me not;it is forbidden."And then he sighed in such a sorrowful way that I was resolved he should have at least one layer of his real estate removed,if it sized up my whole influence and bankrupted the pile.So I went to the abbot and asked for a permit for this Brother.He blenched at the idea --I don't mean that you could see him blench,for of course you couldn't see it without you scraped him,and I didn't care enough about it to scrape him,but I knew the blench was there,just the same,and within a book-cover's thickness of the surface,too --blenched,and trembled.He said:

"Ah,son,ask aught else thou wilt,and it is thine,and freely granted out of a grateful heart --but this,oh,this!Would you drive away the blessed water again?""No,Father,I will not drive it away.I have mysterious knowledge which teaches me that there was an error that other time when it was thought the institution of the bath banished the fountain."A large interest began to show up in the old man's face."My knowledge informs me that the bath was innocent of that misfortune,which was caused by quite another sort of sin.""These are brave words --but --but right welcome,if they be true.""They are true,indeed.Let me build the bath again,Father.Let me build it again,and the fountain shall flow forever.""You promise this?--you promise it?Say the word --say you promise it!""I do promise it."

"Then will I have the first bath myself!Go --get ye to your work.

Tarry not,tarry not,but go."

I and my boys were at work,straight off.The ruins of the old bath were there yet in the basement of the monastery,not a stone missing.They had been left just so,all these lifetimes,and avoided with a pious fear,as things accursed.In two days we had it all done and the water in --a spacious pool of clear pure water that a body could swim in.It was running water,too.It came in,and went out,through the ancient pipes.The old abbot kept his word,and was the first to try it.He went down black and shaky,leaving the whole black community above troubled and worried and full of bodings;but he came back white and joyful,and the game was made!

another triumph scored.

It was a good campaign that we made in that Valley of Holiness,and I was very well satisfied,and ready to move on now,but I struck a disappointment.

I caught a heavy cold,and it started up an old lurking rheumatism of mine.

Of course the rheumatism hunted up my weakest place and located itself there.This was the place where the abbot put his arms about me and mashed me,what time he was moved to testify his gratitude to me with an embrace.

When at last I got out,I was a shadow.But everybody was full of attentions and kindnesses,and these brought cheer back into my life,and were the right medicine to help a convalescent swiftly up toward health and strength again;so I gained fast.

Sandy was worn out with nursing;so I made up my mind to turn out and go a cruise alone,leaving her at the nunnery to rest up.My idea was to disguise myself as a freeman of peasant degree and wander through the country a week or two on foot.This would give me a chance to eat and lodge with the lowliest and poorest class of free citizens on equal terms.There was no other way to inform myself perfectly of their everyday life and the operation of the laws upon it.If I went among them as a gentleman,there would be restraints and conventionalities which would shut me out from their private joys and troubles,and I should get no further than the outside shell.

One morning I was out on a long walk to get up muscle for my trip,and had climbed the ridge which bordered the northern extremity of the valley,when I came upon an artificial opening in the face of a low precipice,and recognized it by its location as a hermitage which had often been pointed out to me from a distance as the den of a hermit of high renown for dirt and austerity.I knew he had lately been offered a situation in the Great Sahara,where lions and sandflies made the hermit-life peculiarly attractive and difficult,and had gone to Africa to take possession,so I thought I would look in and see how the atmosphere of this den agreed with its reputation.

My surprise was great:the place was newly swept and scoured.Then there was another surprise.Back in the gloom of the cavern I heard the clink of a little bell,and then this exclamation:

"Hello Central!Is this you,Camelot?--Behold,thou mayst glad thy heart an thou hast faith to believe the wonderful when that it cometh in unexpected guise and maketh itself manifest in impossible places --here standeth in the flesh his mightiness The Boss,and with thine own ears shall ye hear him speak!"Now what a radical reversal of things this was;what a jumbling together of extravagant incongruities;what a fantastic conjunction of opposites and irreconcilables --the home of the bogus miracle become the home of a real one,the den of a mediaeval hermit turned into a telephone office!

The telephone clerk stepped into the light,and I recognized one of my young fellows.I said:

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